12x15 Poly bag

I am thinking about purchasing this zipper polybag for a new product. As the max measurement in the small standard FBA tiers is 12x15x.75, will Amazon count the unfilled lip at the top of the bag and bump it up to Large standard? I don’t want to pay the higher FBA fee.
I can make it work in an 11x14 bag if I have to, but 12x15 would be ideal.

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Of course they will, space used must be paid for.

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I only ask because I have items in 4x8 polybags and the some of the measurement scans are much smaller, like it only sees the 2 x6 inch item that is inside of the bag.


You happened to get lucky there


Amazon uses a machine to measure (Yes, that is obvious). It is called a cubicscan

It measures the product with cameras sensors, and dumps out the result.

In the case of a poly bag, it may not register the “clear” extra lip, but it may.

As well, the person putting it up for measurement, has no incentive to make a package “normal”.
Like making the box a rectangle if for example shipping made it bulge, or in the case of a poly bag, to flatten nicely around the product.

Once Amazon has measured, you can ask for a re-measurement, but beside a wrong calc, a bulge or inflated polybag, expect no change.

so in your case, that lip should be counted as it is longer


Keep in mind any item you put in the bag will decrease one or both of the other dimensions as the bag is measured flat. That 3rd dimension of height can be your savior.


That was my thought as well. Keep in mind the cubiscan machines are annoying I had a product that was retail mesh packaging with a hang tag get scanned as over 18’ as it was run through the machine. I have most of those products shrink wrapped now to keep them compact.


As Pepper responded, yes, they will measure the dimensions of the bag regardless of what is inside.

One way around this, is to fold and tape the opening end down. In other words, if your product is only 13" and you can fold the bag opening another 1" and tape it down, then it’s only 14".

I did this before when the factory screwed up and used bigger bags than they were supposed to. It’s not ideal but it does work. It also makes sure that your bags don’t accidently open and spill the contents by adding an extra “seal”. Just remember to put the suffocation warning labels on all your bags or Amazon will hit you for that too.

Good Luck,



On top of what @TJB stated, I would consider a heat sealer with cutter if you are doing any volume. Bags are cheaper, come in different mil thickness, and you can cut them to size when you seal them closed.
