Acronym translations

Yes, there were actually several of them, and I remember collaborating with you on a tutorial thread you created some years back; Jes (aka CJ Tomes) posted one 18Nov21 that was pretty good, but it’s gone now, too - but it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that our friend @Chimanimani still has a copy of the one he crafted shortly after that.

@Tallytony’s, from 21Apr21, is still active, however, here:

Another of the most-comprehensive lists of acronyms I ever saw in the OSFE was originally posted by a consultancy, OperationROI, on 30Nov21 - but it was posted in such a way that it was self-promoting; when @papy pointed that out, the user deleted the original post(s), then crafted a new set that didn’t run afoul of the Forum Guidelines, and garnered a good deal of likes in the latter form.

I saved that (I have Jes’ as well, but not Chimanimani’s in explicably), but it takes to posts due to the Discourse character-count limitation:

Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors (A - I)

************************************* # *************************************

1P – First-Party seller. A 1P relationship means Amazon acts as the retailer, and you operate as a wholesale supplier to Amazon. Using Vendor Central Amazon sends you a purchase order (PO) and you fulfill the PO and ship the product back to Amazon. To sell in a 1P capacity, you need to be invited by Amazon directly.

3P – Third-Party seller. A business or individual that sells a product or products using Seller Central. Sellers sell products directly to consumers on Amazon under their own business name, taking on the role of retailers.

3PL – Third-Party Logistics. Refers to the outsourcing of e-commerce logistics processes to a third-party business, including inventory management, warehousing, and fulfillment. 3PL providers allow e-commerce merchants to accomplish more, with the tools and infrastructure to automate retail order fulfillment.

7-Day Deal – A promotion type for sellers on Amazon. The time-bound offer is featured on Amazon’s Best Deals page.

************************************* A *************************************

A+ Content / A+ Page – A detail page where the product description has enhanced content and branding. This includes graphics and images embedded into the page. A+ Content is used to boost customer confidence by providing additional information about the product.

A-to-z Guarantee – The A-to-z Guarantee protects buyers when they buy items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller. It covers both the timely delivery and condition of your items. If you’re not happy with either and can’t resolve the issue directly with the seller, you can make a claim directly to Amazon, and our Amazon will decide if you’re eligible for a refund.

A-to-z Guarantee Claims – One of the biggest fears of many Amazon sellers. This is one of the most serious topics, widely discussed in the forums and open to way too many interpretations. This is Amazon’s guide on How to Respond to an A-to-z Guarantee Claims and How to Prevent an A-to-z Guarantee Claims.

AA – Amazon Associate. Typically referring to a Fulfillment Center position.

AAP – Amazon Advertising Platform (now known as Amazon DSP). The program advertisers use to buy and create display and video ads.

Account Health – Overview of your seller account’s adherence to the performance targets and policies required to sell on Amazon.

ACoS – Advertising Cost of Sale. The percentage of attributed sales spent on advertising. The formula for this is total spend/ad sales = ACoS.

ACS – Amazon Creative Services

Affiliates – A program by which referrals earn associates money for driving traffic and sales to Amazon through their marketing. Affiliates operate on many different sites, including individual blogs, forums, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media.

AGS – Amazon Global Selling

AL – Allocated (Vendor Central Replenishment Code). When products are only recorded manually, the code is located in Amazon’s Brand Analytics and table of costs.

AM – Area Manager. Typically referring to a Fulfillment Center position.

AMS – Amazon Marketing Services. This is now known as Amazon Advertising.

AMG – Amazon Media Group.

AMZ – Amazon. More specifically, Amazon’s stock abbreviation.

AMZL – Amazon Logistics abbreviation.

Andon or Andon Cord – An Amazon support agent can immediately pull a product from buyable status if they notice a significant issue, especially related to safety and quality. The term refers to a process implemented at Toyota factories in Japan. A physical cord was pulled allowing an immediate stop to production and a warning to management when a problem was noticed.

API – Application Program Interface

APvU – Add Products via Upload.

AR – Amazon Robotics

ARA – Amazon Retail Analytics. A selection of reports for vendors sometimes referred to as ARA Basic. These are available to all vendors and look at topics like sales and inventory.

ARAP – Amazon Retail Analytics Premium. An add-on option with more detailed and varied reports that look at a vendor’s traffic and customer behavior for vendors.

Arbitrage – The act of buying a product from one store (online or physical) to sell in another market (Amazon) at a higher price.

ARS – Amazon Robotics Sortable

ARSAW – Amazon Robotics Semi-Automatic Workstation

ASBSA – Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement

ASC – Associate Safety Committee. For Fulfillment Center employees.

ASIN – Amazon Standard Info Number. Each Amazon product will have a unique 10-character alphanumeric unique identifier that is used specifically for and within Amazon. ASINs can be further broken down into parent and child ASINs for products that have one overall item or style (the parent) with multiple choices when it comes to color, size, pack size, etc. (the child ASINs).

ASN – Advanced Shipping Notification (Vendor Central Replenishment Code). This is an electronic packing list that vendors send to Amazon ahead of any deliveries. An ASN can be created in the Vendor Central Portal or by EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).

ASP – Average Selling Price. Calculated by net sales/number of products sold.

Associates Program – This term refers to the Amazon referral program and is now called Amazon Affiliates.

ASU – Amazon Seller University

AWD – Amazon Warehouse Deals

AWS – Amazon Web Services

************************************* B *************************************

B2B – Business to Business. E-commerce between two businesses, rather than a business and consumer.

B2C – Business to Customer. E-commerce between a business and a customer.

BA – Brand Analytics – Amazon’s Brand Analytics is a feature that contains valuable insights to empower Brand Owners to make informed, strategic decisions about their product portfolio and marketing/advertising activities.

Barcode – A method of representing data visually by varying the widths and spacing of parallel lines. Barcodes link manufacturers with products. The barcode of a product is expected to always be in the same location. If two items have the same barcodes, they must be the same product. A single barcode can be used an unlimited number of times for the same product, but it can only be used for that product. Amazon verifies the validity of Universal Product Codes (UPC) through the Global Standards 1 (GS1) database. It is Amazon’s express recommendation that UPCs are obtained directly from GS1.

BB – Buy Box. An abbreviation of the Amazon Buy Box, the button customers use to purchase a product on an Amazon detail page. The phrase “winning the Buy Box” refers to the merchant (whether Amazon or third-party) that a customer buys from when added to cart. Buy Boxes are won through complex algorithms related to stock, ratings, customer service rankings, etc.

Best Deal – A time-bound promotional offer type for vendors on Amazon.

BISS – Business Industrial & Scientific Supplies. A specific selling category on Amazon.

Blue Badge – An Amazon full-time employee (as opposed to a temporary or contract worker.)

BMVD – Books, Media, Video, DVD’s

BOD – Boxes on Demand

BOGO – Buy One Get One. A type of promotion for sellers.

BR – Basic Replenishment (Vendor Central Replenishment Code). This means the product will only be reordered manually, found in Amazon’s Brand Analytics and table of costs.

BR – Brand Registry – Amazon Brand Registry unlocks a suite of tools designed to help you build and protect your brand, creating a better experience for customers. Once approved for Brand Registry you get access to A+ Content, Sponsored Brands, Amazon Stores, and Amazon Brand Analytics.

Brand HQ – The system that sellers on the Amazon Brand Incubator and Amazon Exclusives program can access. Within Brand HQ, sellers can connect with other brands via a forum, expand their knowledge with Amazon’s eLearning courses and have the option to participate in “office hours” and ask an Amazon Associate those pressing questions. Brands can also submit Best Deals and merchandising opportunities such as category page placements.

Brand Store – Amazon Brand Stores are created using a free, self-service tool to create a customized brand experience within Amazon. These can be customized and feature logos, products, and a curated experience that best represents a particular brand.

Browse Node – Numerical codes to identify Amazon product categories. Nodes may be top-level and have many subcategories under them. Sub-cats are known to change. Amazon uses thousands of these per locale, and they are unique to local (ie, UK and US numbers are not the same).

BSA – Business Services Agreement / Business Solutions Agreement

BSR – Best Seller Rank. The order and ranking of a product in the category where it is listed. The rank is updated hourly and takes into account recent and past sales history. If there are no sales (ie, the product is new), the rank will be “None.”

BTR – Born To Run (Vendor Central Replenishment Code). This refers to an Amazon Vendor Central Program that gives sellers the chance to launch new products on Amazon at a faster rate.

Bundle – A group of complementary products sold as one ASIN unit.

************************************* C *************************************

CA – Abbreviation for the Canadian marketplace.

CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate

Category Page – A landing page for a specific group of products within the Amazon website. Examples: Books, Electronics or Toys & Games.

CCR – Counterfeit Complaint Rate

CCU – Counterfeit Crimes Unit. Amazon Counterfeit Crimes Unit works with brands, law enforcement, and customers across the globe to stop bad actors and to hold them accountable.

CD – Continuous Deployment

Child ASIN – A buyable variant of a parent ASIN, when the customer must select an option such as size or color to purchase. All child ASINs should be on one detail page, under the parent ASIN.

Child product –Many products have one main item with options for size, color, flavor, pack sizes, and more. Often the main product is a parent product with the variants being child products.

Climate Pledge Friendly – An Amazon program launched in 2020 to make it easier for customers to shop eco-friendly, sustainable products on its sites.

CM – Change Management

CMBR – Change Management Bar Raiser

COGs – Cost of Goods Sold. The value of goods sold during a certain period of time.

Contra COGs – COGs including all backends, such as Vine, ARAP, etc.

Concessions – Amounts Amazon has refunded to customers related to your products or orders.

Coupon/Voucher – A promotional deal on Amazon where a vendor or seller offers an amount or percentage off for a limited time.

COW – Consumer Order Workflow

CP – Contribution Profit

CPC – Cost Per Click. This relates to sponsored ads and the amount Amazon charges the seller or vendors when a customer clicks on their ad. The calculation is total ad cost/clicks.

CPH – Cost Per Head

CPT – Critical Pull Time. The time in which an order is in danger of not shipping in time for customer delivery cut-offs.

CPS – Costs Per Shipment

CPU – Contacts Per Unit

CRAP – Can’t Realize a Profit. If, based on Amazon algorithms, a product is deemed CRAP, it means there is a reason it won’t realize a profit: Shipping costs, too much inventory, pricing issues, etc. can result in this designation.

CTI – Category Type Item

CTR – Click Through Rate. A metric that measures the number of clicks per impression of an advertisement. The calculation for this is # of clicks / # impressions = CTR.

CS – Customer Service

CWGR – Compound Weekly Growth Rate

CX – Customer Experience

************************************* D *************************************

DEA – Dynamic E-commerce Ads. A component of Amazon DSP, these ads will have e-commerce features built within the display ad, such as retail price and review ratings.

DEA – Delivery Estimate Accuracy. In relation to Amazon Fulfillment Centers.

DOTD – Deal of the Day. On Amazon’s Gold Box or Deals page, a single item or small set of closely related items is discounted for a period of one day only.

DNR – Delivered Not Received. In relation to warehouse delivery queue.

DMG – Damaged abbreviation.

Dog Page – Product Page showing a lovable dog, when the page does not exist (AKA 404 error).

Dropship – Dropshipping is a fulfillment method for retailers. When a store or merchant doesn’t physically have or ship the item. If the item is purchased by a customer, the retailer orders it from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. This can save on costs associated with storage and fulfillment.

DP – Detail Page. A product page for an ASIN on Amazon. This displays important info such as price, title, bullets, description, customer reviews, etc.

DPMO – Defects Per Million Opportunities

DPV – Detail Page Views. A metric showing the number of impressions of a single detail page.

DPVR – Detail Page View Rate

DSP – Demand Side Platform. Amazon DSP is a demand-side platform that allows you to programmatically buy ads to reach new and existing audiences on and off Amazon.

DSP – Delivery Service Provider. For warehouse deliveries.

************************************* E *************************************

EAN – European Article Number. A 13 digit number system for identifying retail products in Europe.

Early Reviewer Program – An Amazon program that incentivizes customers who have purchased a product to leave an honest review. This program has been shut down.

EBC – Enhanced Brand Content. A detail page where the product description has enhanced content and branding, which includes graphics and images embedded into the page. EBC content used to be specifically for sellers. As of 2020, EBC is obsolete and has been replaced by A+ Content.

ECR – Executive Customer Relations

EDD – Estimated Delivery Date

EDI – Electronic Data Interchange. A method for companies and businesses to send digital information to one another digitally.

EFN – European Fulfillment Network. Allows sellers with an Amazon Europe Marketplaces account who are also registered with Amazon to store their inventory in their local fulfillment center, and fulfill orders coming from other European marketplaces from the same local inventory pool.

EOD – End of Day. Usually refers to the close of that particular business day.

ESL – English as a Second Language

Existing Customers – Audiences who have purchased or re-purchased your brand or items on Amazon.

EXSD – Expected Ship Date

************************************* F *************************************

FBA – Fulfillment by Amazon. When Amazon is responsible for storing your products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Fulfillment by Amazon means Amazon will pick, pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products.

FBM – Fulfilled by Merchant. Also known as MF (Merchant Fulfilled), this refers to shipping products directly to the end customer yourself, as opposed to Amazon doing it.

FC – Fulfillment Center. An Amazon warehouse.

FF – Flat File (Vendor Central Replenishment Code). This is actually a code used across both Amazon Vendor Central and Amazon Seller Central and refers to bulk upload templates.

FFP – Frustration-Free Packaging. An Amazon program that eliminates excessive packing and over boxing. An Amazon sustainability initiative.

First-Party Seller – A First-Party Seller (1P) relationship means Amazon acts as the retailer, and you operate as a wholesale supplier to Amazon. Using Vendor Central Amazon sends you a purchase order (PO) and you fulfill the PO and ship the product back to Amazon. To sell in a 1P capacity, you need to be invited by Amazon directly.

FNSKU – Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit. An Amazon product identifier for products that are fulfilled by Amazon.

FOL – Friends of Library

FPY – First Pass Yield

FTL – Full Truck Load

************************************* G *************************************

Gated Category – Businesses will need prior approval to sell in this category on Amazon. Access is limited.

Glance Views – Similar to Detailed Page Views. The number of times a detail page has been viewed.

GLN – Global Location Number. Unique identification code of a physical location.

Global SKU – A SKU that is part of a shared inventory pool and is available to be sold and shipped in multiple marketplaces.

GL String – Amazon’s codification system for allocating costs to the correct P&L.

Goldbox – Amazon’s landing page, containing Deal of the Day, Lightning Deals, and a selection of categories’ best promotions and savings. Also known as Today’s Deals.

Greenlight – (Vendor Central Replenishment Code). Greenlight is the code that signifies availability, meaning the ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) is currently available from the supplier and is found in the case.

GS1 – Global Standards 1, a non-profit that develops global standards for business including the barcode. Amazon uses GS1’s database to check UPCs.

GTIN – Global Trade Item Number. Globally unique 14-digit number to identify items, products, and services.

************************************* H *************************************

Hazmat – Hazardous materials. These items may be flammable, dangerous, corrosive, pressurized, etc. They require special precautions and regulations when transporting or storing.

HSA – Headline Search Ads. Advertisements that are located on top of a search results page. These have been renamed to Sponsored Brands.

Hijacking – When a seller jumps on a brand’s listing to sell a counterfeit product at a lower price. This causes the legitimate brand to lose the Buy Box and can result in a number of issues for the brand.

************************************* I *************************************

IAT – Inbound Andon Tracker

IB – Inbound

ICQA – Inventory Control Quality Assurance

IDQ – Item Data Quality. Refers to the condition of an item’s information, for example, if the product has bullet points and images.

Impressions – A measure of views or ad views. Determined by the number of single times a page is located and loaded.

Individual Seller – A selling account on Amazon where an individual seller pays a per-item fee. Access to a wide range of tools, discounts, and reports are not available as an individual seller. You also cannot exceed selling 40 units per month.

INR – Item Not Received

IP – Intellectual Property

IP Accelerator – Amazon’s IP Accelerator program helps businesses more quickly obtain intellectual property rights and brand protection in Amazon’s stores.

IPI – Inventory Performance Index

IPQ – Item Package Quantity

IRDR – Inventory Record Defect Ratio

IS – In Season (Vendor Central Replenishment Code). The code is located in the Brand Analytics and a table of costs for products or articles sold during specific seasons.

IS – In Stock (Vendor Central Replenishment Code). If required, Amazon automatically reordered a product in stock; the code is found in the Vendor Catalog.

ISBN – International Standard Book Number. A 13-digit identity number is assigned to individual books by standard book numbering agencies. Until 2006, ISBNs were 10 digits. An ISBN, SKU, and ASIN may all be used in listings on Amazon.