Is it really necessary to change fees 3 times? They could’ve just taken an average and made one change
You enter your quantity based on pre-set templates for your inventory. Amazon will then tell you how to split it sometimes, but not always.
It happens maybe 40% of the time now. So 60% of the time, we will be paying 27 cents a unit. I need to look at the new FBA fee structure to understand what the offset is.
Not sure this will be an option in the future. I think Amazon will do what Amazon wants to do and claim it’s for the planet. I’d like to reiterate that I am not sharing any opinions on the planet only that Amazon is going to do what Amazon wants to do. There’s an ongoing test right now where putting a product that can be shipped outside of a box in a box is not an option for the consumer.
I’m sure when this all shakes out, the buyer will be charged for an outer box if they insist.
ETA on the fees. So looks like the FBA fee is going down 18 cents for our stuff. So with transfer fees, our net increase would be 9 cents. If we get the splits without the fees 40% of the time, back of the napkin math, this is a wash, maybe a little bit of a benefit.
It’s not that big of a deal.
I don’t know why Amazon has to make this so effing complicated to understand. I’m not the brightest lightbulb in the world but there’s no reason to make this so complicated.
Fortunately most sex toys have discreet packaging.
Do we know if amazon will do any free fba recalls? I know a long time ago they did before they implemented new fees. Do we think they might do that again? I want to get out of fba but I would have to spend like $400 to recall all my inventory.
I wouldn’t hold your breath for that. I haven’t seen one of those promos in years
Amazon stopped doing free things awhile ago so I doubt it. They also jacked the price of removal orders quite a bit last year.
That movie is in my top 10!
Poor Bill Paxton (in the background there). Goes in for a routine surgery and doesn’t make it out alive.
Gone too soon at 62
So if I’m understanding this right, if I send in 3 months worth of inventory to FBA, and then sell it through without restocking it, the last 28 days worth I’ll get hit with additional fees.
That is correct. A way for Amazon to make sure you never stop sending inventory in and selling on Amazon.
Not sure what would happen if you flagged the item as “discontinued”
Really not fair for phasing out an item on Amazon. It’s bad enough that you have to stop selling it bc it’s not making the cut for your business. Now you have to get banged out of more $ while exiting it as well.
That’s REALLY messed up now that I am thinking about it. It would be cheaper to have Amazon throw it out (not including the cost of goods of course).
It really feels like Amazon has a master plan they have been executing the last 2 years in shaping exactly what they want selling on Amazon / in FBA.
It doesn’t even make sense to me, so say I have 2 items in stock, and then they both sell…now it’s sold out. When or how is the fee applied? Is it applied to the two items I sold because they sold too quickly? Or is it applied to the new inventory I send in? If the fee is applied to the new inventory, just how much new inventory has to get the fee? So if it wants me to have 2 in stock and I send in 3, is only going to charge the low inventory on 2 units or 3 units? It seems like if they sell too quickly I’m stuck in a never ending fee loop? But then if they don’t sell I’m stuck with long term storage fees.
I do not trust their algorithms at all.
This only matters for items with an established selling history (based on AI of course and a formula we aren’t allowed to see).
If you send in 2 items and they don’t have the history Amazon talks about, and they sell, you pay nothing extra.
I didn’t totally dig into all the verbiage yet on this but I don’t see how this would affect sellers that sell rare books / collectibles / one-offs. I’m gonna go read it again…
ETA - I read it again and now my hair hurts.
Well, the new “low inventory” fee is complicated and confusing at best.
I can give you one guarantee though, if you have an issue with the fee and try to appeal it, the bots will tell you to suck it.
I am assuming minimum in this area on FBA is what they will use for the low inventory fee? For example look at this listing:
It’s “low stock”, I have 2 on hand, it wants a minimum of 3…but look 1 of them I have had on hand for over 90 days, which is 3 months. So shouldn’t the minimum be a 1 and not 3 since I haven’t even sold any in 90+ days??
They just want me to send in a bunch of inventory, so that I can pay long term storage fees, and then pay to get it out of FBA.
I am understanding now that FBA is not for me, and after today’s email I am for sure knowing I need to be done by March when all these new fees go into effect. Currently I pay $25 a month in long term storage fees, and I’m trying to navigate sunk cost fallacy here. If I just pull out all the 365+ day inventory it will be $150. If I pull all my FBA inventory it will be $400. I am tempted to just drop the price of all my FBA inventory just to get it gone.
Sucks. Sorry to see this. Obviously this isn’t a huge financial loss for you but just Amazon doing what they do best. Crushing people’s lives and businesses 1 “Partner” at a time.
Amazon basically doesn’t like low volume products in FBA. There’ll probably be some “errors” when it comes to low volume products that result in tacking on additional fees.
I would strongly consider trying to move your aging inventory at whatever price just to be done with it.
Whew … dodged a bullet there …
Guess there is another plus to being bald that we didn’t know about before …
that’s what’s important. Hope all goes well!
I should have said it made what’s left of my hair hurt…
Yeah, I’m thinking many Handmade sellers except for Handmade AliExpress/Alibaba (lol) sellers will be done with FBA. Just as well to focus elsewhere as Billy can’t count our shipments correctly anyway.