Business and Tax Burden - Opinions

The Merchant Marine keeps stocked our stores

The Coast Guard keeps safe our shores

The Navy is first to knock

The Marines are first to ground

The Army is first to really rock

But it’s the United States Air Force which ensures the bastards stay down


Retired in 2002…enlisted. My last 10 years were in AFROTC and I loved it!

My brother retired I think it was 2013? He flew C-130’s and now works at WPAFB on what the AF will look like in the future.

So yes, I appreciate folks paying their taxes too.


Wright-Patterson AFB is fun because of the museum and the XB-70, Boxcar, the missiles, and YF-23. Not so fun as an E or O, due to all the O-6 through O-10 walking around due to AFMC, just like Scott AFB where AMC and TRANSCOM is headquartered. Too much leadership and brown nosers ruining the party.

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You hit that nail on the head.

My brother is a retired Major…has his bachelors and masters degree. He once said though that when sitting around the table his ideas or he wasn’t listened to because he didn’t have a PhD behind his name. SO…he got AFIT to approve him for an 18 month sabbatical – to do his doctoral disertation to get it. Well…here comes COVID and I honestly don’t know where he is on his thesis etc. Classwork is completed. He just recently got sucked up into a re-organization…and well, that’s his career. I’m doing my own thing.


But DEFINITELY take advantage of every legal and ethical means to reduce your burden.

Otherwise, you’re giving money away.