Hmmmmm - Did our sprinkler guy turn up the pressure too much last fall?

Mine is needed every time it rains heavily. The grading on this property, and the the next door house is horrendous. Combine that with clay and you have my issue. It’s mostly the grading that’s an issue. Every once and awhile, I check the neighbors box and it’s dry when ours is flooded. This happens even when the main shutoff valve is off so it’s not a leak.

Mine is a fountain pump with an auto-off feature - when there’s not enough water. Even so, I have it on a timer where it checks it once per hour and stays on for 15 mins to avoid excess cycling.

It’s working as designed, thankfully.


I mean it hasn’t rained in weeks, we need the rain!


Yea, it’s been pretty dry here. It rained for about 7 mins yesterday. Didn’t even cool it down and only made it more humid. Even with that, I would guess the box filled up until it was pumped out on the schedule. Didn’t check. Used to be one of my many obsessions around here and I used to pump it out manually with a giant water cannon water gun. LOL

One less thing to worry about thanks to your great idea.


Front went through here without a single drop of rain. All north and south of here. Sucks…

Hope you got some. I ran a cycle on the sprinklers at 9PM here.


Nada all weekend here. Maybe Wednesday

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