How would you respond to this message from customer service?

I asked her to clarify. I see that I am not enrolled.


Here are my thoughts on a reply.

I do realize that I am putting the buyer in an communication circle back to Amazon.

Since the Amazon Customer Service message indicates : No Return Requested, I would have just replied with the following template reply. Then if the buyer responded, I would spend more time thinking about a reply. But this template seems to work well for me.

Hello [BUYER_NAME]. The payment for order [ORDER_ID] was processed by Amazon themselves. For questions about payments please contact Amazon directly as they do not share that information with us.

Here is a note from Amazon Customer Service about payments:

If a customer contacts you in relation to a payment it is always necessary to direct the customer to our Customer Service. Since the payment is processed by Amazon, we will assist the buyer with this type of issue.

— U.S. and Canada: 1-888-280-4331
— International: 1-206-922-0880
They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Customers can contact Customer Service through the Contact Us link found on any Help page:

First Name


I saw that, but I may have read too-much into her reply about CSBA enrollment.

She may well have taken your use of that acronym, “CSBA,” in your 2nd post, as an indication that you were enrolled - as did I myself.

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I guess you won’t be signing up for:
Customer Service by Amazon?

They keep wanting me to sign up.