“New Homepage” 🙄

:man_facepalming:t2: One would have imagined that the freaking FDA, FTC, & CBP would have a vested interest in spearheading such an effort…

None of my business of course, but one would imagine that CNN, WSJ, or FoxNews would love to get the scoop on such a story…


That’s not how it works in my world. If this was a billion dollar company - YES they would, because they have the ability to pay.

There are hundreds of companies that get away with this every day under the radar while being on the radar.

They simply don’t care if there’s no money in it on the fines.

I would venture to say that 65-75% of supplements on Amazon are fake which is why it’s so hard to compete. These companies are selling products for less than they cost to make in the US because they are either totally fake (all excipients) with no actives OR they are imported and labeled wrong.

The sad fact is the documentation is bought and sold. There are lots of “legitimate” labs out there that will give you what you want if you pay for it.

Not a regulation kind of guy but all for enhanced enforcement of my industry, even if that comes at a cost of certification / monitoring by companies like NSF, where every batch goes to them for testing. It will never happen.

Would certainly thin the herd and allow real companies like ours to thrive and the consumer gets what they paid for.

Let’s see what Amazon does with what I have provided them. You don’t need to be an expert in my industry to see the truth. All they would really need to do is do a bin check and just look at the labels of this particular brand that doesn’t say where it’s made. They can also take a look at the hand cut stickers applied for lot / exp date. They would also notice that their products look nothing like their lead images. Not even close. It’s astonishing that the consumer is OK with this. Bottom line is cheap sells no matter what.


So ridiculous… :woman_facepalming:

@Sundance I can’t imagine any seller would agree that Amazon makes changes in response to seller feedback; what a joke. I wonder what they do with these; there has to be some purpose for them; otherwise, why even bother?


As a consumer who occasionally shops on Amazon, please keep information like this coming. I’d really rather not buy some vit D and get a bottle of lead and arsenic.

ETA: And your efforts to get rid of these “people”, self serving though they may be as these are your competitors, are still appreciated.


Believe it or not, I am doing this 70% because it makes us mad about what they are doing to the public and the industry, 30% for business reasons.

If you want to know if your brands are legit, LMK.


I was recruited (probably with 10,000 of my closest friends) for a 30-minute phone survey about Handmade FBA. I prepared a comprehensive list of issues discussed in the old HM forum, and elucidated what could be simple solutions to our problems.

Not a single suggestion was implemented.

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@bookwormapril posted on the OSFE that Amazon conducts surveys/interviews and provides feedback opportunities only to be able to say “we did that”.

Not because they are actually interested in our opinions and feedback.

They will make the effort, merely to make the effort.

That has stuck with me, every time I read a CM post responding to NSFE complaints with “we sent this to the team” or asking us to email it to the beta address.

The team DGAF, no matter how earnest or thorough we are. :sweat:


What a waste of your time and an extremely disappointing outcome. Even though Amz does not employ us, we do work together, and you would think it would be in their best interest to address and make positive changes based on seller feedback. Still, unfortunately, they continue to show us that we mean very little to them. We are disposable, and they know that we need them more than they need us, and if we leave, thousands of other sellers are waiting in the wings, ready to take our place.

I also read that Amazon keeps US employees under strict control (fear) through software monitoring, and they also can get hit with violations. There was a post last year where an employee got fired due to a software error, and it took 3 months to investigate and figure out it was a mistake before they were allowed to return to work. All Amazon really cares about is its bottom line and shareholders; it appears that most of the stuff they do is just for show.

Side Note: I really like your profile pic; who’s the artist?


Thank you! Self-portrait when I was 26, sometime back in the last ice age. Original painting is 18x18" acrylic on canvas.


Thank you for posting a larger image; it’s beautiful!


I still have the not-very-old homepage from 4q, but I closed all the tiles since they bombarded me today… Now they are all:


I’m like, it’s ok, no rush guys…


Medic, you’re welcome :slight_smile:


And today there’s a new GRAPH in the ‘Today’s Sales’ box to just make the page more cluttered.

I used to work in Systems & Programming. So that was an idea, that someone wrote tech specs for, that was coded and tested by a programmer. In other words - they spent a whole crap ton of money on it. Good gravy.

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You can hide that graph but you can’t move that box back to where it was which is extremely annoying.

Keep on changing things Amazon…!