For a facemask that we haven’t sold in years,
The manufacturer added it because of all the cheep not up to FDA standard Masks.
Amazon actually expects us to get permission from the FDA to use the term FDA registered
We don’t have edit control over the item so I opened a case to remove the term. SS tells us
Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,
Thank you for contacting us regarding the ASIN B08YC7JBZ9.
The product detail page for this product uses the rights of another rights owner: food and drug administration. And we have not been able to confirm that you are authorized to use this information on the product detail page.
Please know that before we can process your request, we need you to provide the following information:
- Please provide Letter of Authorization in which we are able to see you’re part of the brand, this will help us to troubleshoot further.
I look forward to completing my investigation of your concern once the required information is provided.
To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.
Were you satisfied with the support provided?
Yeah, Please provide us with evidence you can use the term so we can remove it.