New Strategy - Ignore All Amazon Communications

When we sell to dealers, they send us a PO, we ship product, we email an invoice, and we get paid. No muss, no fuss.

Amazon bombards us with things to read, and things to react to. That ends today.
Nothing Amazon sends us in email is of any value or benefit to us.
Nothing their website “suggests” is of any value or benefit to us.
No Amazon response to any case we have opened (other than reimbursement for lost inventory) is of any value or benefit to us.
So, we will ignore Amazon entirely, and stop them from bullying us into paying more attention to them than to any other of our dealers.

This will mean that we will have far less snarky comments to contribute here, but the upside is that Amazon will no longer be occupying so much attention in our minds.


Mark their emails as “already read” but don’t delete. That way the messages are still available if you need to look one up.



Yep! And set up a filter so they skip your Inbox entirely–but also schedule a weekly moment to scan through the most recent batch, just in case something helpful or urgent slipped through. :wink:

You can also go to settings in both Seller Central and the Buyer side of your Seller account and limit the emails you receive from Amazon.


This is very similar to what we ourselves have set up for our Mail Server(s) - and not just for Amazon.


I don’t ignore them. Rather, I interpret them.

Every email from Amazon contains some information. A prudent seller, IMHO, should try to glean useful information from every email.

For example, when I get an email begging me to use CSBA, I realize that someone at Amazon is getting desperate. So I am keeping an eye out for being signed up for it without my consent.
IOW, ‘Please use CSBA’ gets interpreted as ‘Watch out for involuntary CSBA’.

Similarly, when I get pricing alerts from Amazon, I interpret ‘Lower your price’ to be ‘Move this book to eBay


Nail, meet sledgehammer.


That could be dangerous to your account health.

Most of the email from Amazon is garbage.

But not all. There are warnings of upcoming (or in some cases recently past) changes that will harm you if you don’t find the way out. There are explanations of how changes will be implemented. Nobody would guess all on their own the many downsides of allowing automation for handling time (just an example)


Yes, but the screams of outrage both here and on the Amazon “community” have been far more informative than Amazon’s double-talk about the subject, so reading the Amazon emails are actually a distraction from getting the facts here and from those still posting on Amazon’s forums.