[NYT] DT Trade Move Could Increase Costs for Many Online Goods

I’m not a ‘breakfast person’ but my wife and I met her brother and his wife this morning and the subject of the fact (according to our daughter) that the most frequent search on Google post election was for “what is a tariff.”

My sister-in-law was most concerned that the stuff she buys on Temu and other places was going to go up in price. Followed by news from a Mercury Marine friend that their prices were going to go up a significant amount because so much of their aluminum housings and other parts are sourced from China and they CAN’T get them in the US any longer.

A sales rep for the store my wife and our son owns called to say that if they needed restocks now was the time to order and suggested at least $20,000 as a purchase amount because prices are going to go up “A LOT”. Almost every RC vehicle sold in the US has been made in China for years, as are many/most models such as Gundum (even though it’s a Japanese brand as I recall).

At least the huge majority of what I sell is made in the US so I may actually be MUCH better off!

Buckle up and wear ‘protective clothing’ since it’s going to be a rough ride for anyone that imports from China from the looks.

I’m not nearly as concerned about Canada and Mexico since some token troops and a few drug busts will put people asleep again.


There’s a thread on the NSFE from a bookseller in Canada wondering how to handle shipping books to the US, and if Amazon will do anything regarding the pricing.
I seriously doubt Amazon will do anything, but I don’t think anyone has any answers for him.
It’s tough when the small guys get caught up in the stuff aimed at the big trouble-makers.


They most certainly will.

Amazon will remove his listings due to high pricing.

Everyone impacted by cost increases due to tariffs will have to raise their prices, and Amazon will high price bot the &@$% out of us.


In AZ, the prices of avocados haven’t gone up, noticeably, before the pause…

We’re more concerned about our favorite “home-made” avocado salsa which we buy in a 16- oz container at a favorite Mexican Market/Restaurant/Butcher Shop and is already nearly 9 bucks. We agreed if it went over $10 that we wouldn’t indulge anymore, stick w/ Pace.

Here we’re only about 90 minutes from the border and Tucson/Nogales (AZ) are big “ports” in the Mexico trade, so any tariff will hit hard. In some of the authentic Latinx restaurants/shops in the area, especially Tubac or Tumacacori, one already feels as if in Mexico City!!


to be clear, this was tongue in cheek…


A real discussion

Friend: “…you know what about the tear-offs…?”

Me: “huh?”

Friend: “I dunno, I can’t pronounce it…the thing he’s doing with other countries…”

Me: “Well, actually…”


The Atlantic’s “The Tariffs Were Never Real” by Rogé Karma is a good read


Thanks to you, @papy and other administrators and mods for making SAS possible!! As well as making financial arrangements between yourselves/ paying out of pocket…

If we members, all 250+ of us(saw membership figures on another thread) don’t say it enough, THANK YOU!!

Beyond the money angle, appreciate ya’ll donating time, which as most of us ol’ coots have learned, is even more precious than $$… :heart_eyes: :heartbeat: :two_hearts: