Parent SKU in Variations Over-Written


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Soccer weekend took over, and now it’s MONDAY. Looking forward (I think, now Papy & Roxy have me :upside_down_face: :grimacing:) to digging into this this week!


Bumping this back up as I have now created my first parent/child family via spreadsheet. Did I cheer when I saw it build? Maybe (probably).

ANYWAY - Can now confirm that @oneida_books is in fact correct (no surprise there!) and the parent sku is NOT overwritten if you create the family via spreadsheet. Phew.

I have to decide if I want to create new parents for the ones I’ve done in the meantime and move the children over. Baby steps!


I marked one of @oneida_books posts as the Solution, but please change if it’s the wrong one. Thank you for this update!



The same is true if using the APIs to create the listings. I just checked our recent listings and the parent SKU we provided through the API was used.


I do almost all the work through the MWS Product API. It allows me to easily separate relationships without much work.

Sadly it’s short lived though as it’s twilight date is about a yr away.

I dread moving to the SP API’s!

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That’s how we did everything until we switched our site to Magento. Now we use a plugin that does it all. We add the products in Magento and it sends everything to Amazon.