I am just trying to tune it out
Had I my druthers, I’d do the same - but as I remain rather trepid about Amazon’s head-first dive into the AI swamp winding up effecting negative consequences to our business, I find myself constrained to pursue a course embodied by that hoary old saw “KNOW Thy Enemy.”
P.S. - Welcome to the SAS! I believe you’ll likely find it to be THE Best Seller Forums Experience, as have so many other members of the Online Sellers Community.
Another name for consideration…
Bupkis is a Yiddish word that means “nothing” or a very small amount
Using mobile Chrome on this ASIN, I had to scroll all the way down to “compare,” just ahead of reviews, to find Rufus: Amazon.com.
It does appear that they have at least made it less intrusive. If it’s there, but you have to look for it, then that is far preferable to the “Pop it up over the content” method that I first saw.
Of course, this is not getting into the issues of it giving bad or even life-threatening advice.
Good analysis and well said!
Those fig cookies did arrive today and were a hit with the family since I was heading there anyways after work. Consensus is that they’re fig newtons on steroids.
I don’t disagree (the same consensus prevails with Mrs. Dogtamer and our progeny), but I’m still dismayed - but NOT surprised - to find that the offending 5th Bullet Point continues to appear in the US Marketplace for the Amazon Global Catalog ASIN B07YGS4G53, nearly a week after it was publicly revealed over in the NSFE.
I am, however, somewhat encouraged to find that the “Scour All 22 of Amazon’s Global Marketplaces” RAV Tool continues to to return only results for the badly-broken US & Japan Marketplaces.
I just got a survey request from Amazon yesterday for my opinion on Dufus,
Though I did not have time, I gave them very bad ratings with details on why. Mostly on misleading our customers, and putting other customers in danger with recommendations that have life and safety issues.
One example I gave, was a condensing exhaust listing indicating it was for a non-condensing heater. The danger in this is the non-condensing is made of steel, the the condensing 100% plastic.
Mix them up and you get a corroding or melted pipe. Causing Carbon Monoxide entering the home.
Now in that case the catalog page was not well developed. Dufus clearly only had bad partial information to play with.