Yep, XP, then Win7; still waiting for the next really good one.
I have one XP system left. Driving a Umax scanner with a SCSI interface. Wide bed &Transparency adaptor.
Not used unless I need the scanner.
Yes, Vista always sucked. XP was then true successor to Windows NT which was the first version of Windows which was actually an Operating System.
We can thank the arrival of Dave Cutler at Microsoft for their acceptance of the need to be an O/S.
The majority of my professional product photos were taken on an iPhone 6s. The camera wasnât too bad.
Thank you for making me feel better. LOL
Cough Cough Fusion S 5%
Nothing wrong with using older, proven technology. 90% of people donât begin to need an 8 core processor and an 18mp camera in a phone, but they donât know it because advertising tells them they have to have it. Just because you CAN doesnât mean you SHOULD.