Training the NSFE mods

I realize I’m likely beating a dead horse here, but I’d really like to know when will Katie promulgate the memo which will finally stop members of the FMT/CMT, and the SMEs (“Subject Matter Experts”) alike, from posting links to SHC pages which reside behind the Midway Authorization Portal gateway (exclusively for the internal use of Amazonians who have the credentials to access such content, as was repeatedly pointed out during the rash of such occurrences in 2021 & 2022), as the AHT (“Account Health Team”) SME Mindy did 112223 in the below-linked post (note the ‘.dev’ domain link):

The OP of that NSFE discussion - who likely faces a Sisyphean task, unfortunately, given the original premise, as the biz model is not typically a very good fit for Amazon’s one-size-fits-all ‘solutions’ - responded thusly (emphasis mine):

Were I still participating in the ASF (“Amazon Seller Forums”), I’d be inclined to point out that removing ‘.dev’ from the link will redirect to the SHC page Add, view, and update your bank account information (link, Help Hub Revision, non-“G” prefix simplified).