Training the NSFE mods

Agreed, but the real question for me is what prompted the originally-correct link to the intended News Headline-accompanying NSFE discussion (Post #106 upthread) to be changed to an internal-only Quip link in the first place…


On a semi-related note, I heartily endorse the SAS Staff’s determination that AI-generated content is unacceptable, as you informed us earlier today:


That’s faster than average for the NSFE.

I’ve had many times of going to the NSFE, seeing a notification of a reply on a thread I don’t even remember, and see that a mod posted a follow-up confirming what I stated 1-2 weeks previous.


We will raise your 4 days to 4 months …

March to end of July … :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It was nice to let us know by tagging us …



I found Dougal’s NSFE post you’ve screenshotted, above, here:

Still, I’m a bit concerned about using the ‘slimed down’ version:

I’m too old for Nickelodeon antics… :joy:


"I’m too old for Nickelodeon antics… :joy:

You’re NEVER too old @Dogtamer
Virtually slimeing!


It’s a kinder gentler Amazon that is less fattening … less carbs version?


There’s been quite a bit of chatter since 1Oct`24, in the NSFE & elsewhere, about a change being made re: Deferred Transactions, such as in this discussion:

One of the members of the FMT-CMT, Connor (who I believe to be one of the better ones than some, based upon the Posting History), posted this in response to the queries:

Navigating to the “original post” link Connor provided - i.e., @ https: // - indicates that the News_Amazon post of 100424 applies to the Saudi Arabian Marketplace.

I’ve yet to see a similar News Headline for the various Americas Region Marketplaces…and I find that troubling.


We can confirm “Deferred Payments” exist on the US (.com) marketplace as we have one in there right now. It was very simple to figure out which order it belonged to. Payment deferred about 30 days.

What we are trying to figure out is the difference between invoiced and deferred payments as we have both types listed in the payment section.


Since Amazon is extremely helpful (and clear) in all their communications, they do provide some guidance written by Captain Obvious – (emphasis added)

What is a deferred transaction?

A deferred transaction is a transaction that will be paid out to you at a future date. Most transactions are deferred for some period of time before they are paid out. The “Payment release date” tells you when you will be able to access the funds from deferred transactions. After this date, these transactions will move to the Transaction view page and the funds will become available for disbursement.

You seriously can NOT make this stuff up. At some point in time there needs to be a series of movies about the “Foibles of Amazon Communications”.

Obviously, it will be a Foreign Language film with subtitles for translation.


Yepper - Deferred Transactions have been around for quite some time; as I’ve mentioned a time or more before, we have some institutional buyers who enjoy longer terms than Net 30 granted to them by Amazon (typically, these purchasers are associated with Federal, State, County, Municipal, or School District governments and/or adjuncts of those entities).

We’re fine with that - we’ve never had a Business Buyer be allowed to default by Amazon, w/o it stepping up to the plate & fulfilling its promise to cover any and all instances where such occurs - but I remain trepid about Amazon getting this newly-deployed change in how Invoiced Orders are displayed correct.


So is the difference between invoiced and deferred payment the entity who sets up (grants) the extended payment?

Invoiced = created by seller (or Amazon?)
Deferred Payment = granted by Amazon

Would that be correct?

We have only had one Invoiced ever (last year) and now one Deferred Payment (this year). Our product isn’t something that would normally be needed by a business or most institutional organizations.

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Agree, we are not happy with “Business Buyers” being allowed terms. However, in our own business we allowed terms since the day we opened in 1989. We had many that never paid, we used collection companies, did not do much good.

Though we did have one that is a very long story. Short version on calling the CEO of a large corporation, after a “designer” used us to create an image, they used it. She never paid. The CEO said, he would take care of it. She paid instantly, and said she would tell everyone what we did. I simply responded, that is a good thing, we expect to get paid for our work.

But back to the original issue. We see deferred transactions, that slide into invoiced orders. The invoiced orders are then paid net 30 to 60, sometimes 90 days after the order.

That is ok with us, since we always get paid. Plus it is on the alternate week of our regular transactions. Helps with the cash flow. And, most important, we always get paid.

We still call it net when they feel like it. Just like the good old days, but we get paid.