Yep, I ran across the glitch a few minutes ago - kudos for your mad skills in System Administration!
On a side note which we’ve discussed before, I’m still wanting to send you and the rest of the SAS Staff better support than I am presently able to provide.
So we all know how Amazon Friday updates go and the wild weekends that directly follow …
Does this mean this notice is a shot across the bow to let us know that one is going to take off on a wild weekend adventure right after this said Friday update?
Just in case we all might need to sprinkle a few blue cookies around to entice said one to stay around and forego this rumored wild weekend adventure thing and thus save our sanity and avoid anxiety.
Nope! There is a major pending change to the underlying software that runs SAS. I am trying to get ahead of said major update (that should do nothing to the look, feel and operation) and testing everything so that it’s ready for said update.
More then likely I will push the tests tonight, but sometimes my little green butt gets tired and I fall sleepies early!