What CAN be included in your package to the customer

Simplest ask - where is the policy or Seller University link that describes what can be included.

  1. I want to make sure my packing slips (the ones I generate, not the ones Amazon generates) meet policy standards.
  2. I want to know all the things that could be included, and specifically what can not be included.

I’m the type that just wants to know all the rules.

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I routinely receive advertisements that direct traffic off of Amazon.

I’m the type that just wants to know which rules are enforced.


Wasn’t there just a post about this on the NSFE where a mod said contact information can definitely be included?

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All Amazon policies are subject to change and./or misenforcement at any moment.

Lets be serious Amazon doesn’t even know their own policies.


The prevailing published policy on Packing Slips can be found in more than one place - primarily in Clause (i) of section “S-2.1 Sale and Fulfillment” of that most-fundamental of the SHC (“Seller Help Content”) pages, the ASBSA (“Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement” aka “BSA” aka “TOS”) itself (link):

Also informative may be the currently-‘untitled’ SHC page (previously-titled “What do I need to know about packing slips and purchase order numbers?”) here:

https: //sellercentral.amazon.com/help/hub/reference/QBDHEYGMALGGASA

Generally speaking, this is something of a grey area if one is not dispatching branded goods with a well-established trade dress, which Amazon recognizes (not always an easy accomplishment in it’s own right), mainly on the score of not diverting traffic away from Amazon…

That being said, Seller University’s “Product Insert Compliance” module of the Account Health and compliance Course, found @ https: //sellercentral.amazon.com/learn/courses?ref_=selleru_athena&courseId=74c81f60-b036-47ad-8851-d0130b7155fa&moduleId=5c8441bd-2aec-4038-8f64-edc1b5a3318f , offers some guidance.


Look at the Amazon generated invoices. That information is safe to include.

A customer service phone number and email can be included. If your web site is used for customer service and brand information it could be included. If you offer sales on your site I wouldn’t include it.


The most basic and easiest to understand rule…it cannot divert money away from Amazon. Meaning, it cannot link to any other place where products can be purchased. You cannot offer accessories at a “special” price if ordered from you directly, or anything of that sort. Amazon is all about the money. You can do what you want, just don’t cost them any money


Why would you generate packing slips of your own production? No offense, but seems a little odd to me, particularly when AMAZON’s are good enough. . Stamps and other 3rd party postage firms will generate a packing slip at the same time as a label. In an emergency, we have used them(couldn’t get an OTP) but they’re bare-bones.

Remember-you CANT ASK FOR POSITIVE FEEDBACK, only FB. When merchandise we ship is under LIKE NEW condition(we sell only used books, no NEW condition); we no longer bother to ask for FB. You can’t promise to gift or trade merchandise for positive FB. On another thread, someone mentioned postcards sent through the mail doing just that. Clever way to get suspended.

Furthermore, can’t add anything that would draw sales from AMAZON, such as a selling website not linked to the mother ship. TPTB get real snitty about it!!

Recently, we had a huge snarl-up on very expensive book via AMZ’s messaging system, on an order teetering on negative FB. I tell this to illustrate TPTB’s restrictiveness.

AMAZON redacted our business email, of course. Redacted the buyers. On the 3rd back-and-forth,gave 'em phone number(not listed on storefront) and our business address(which is listed but buyer couldn’t locate).This information wasn’t redacted-buyer was able to locate us and we were able to iron things out!


For us, there are two reasons.
1st - Our products are customized and we are able to show the customization better than Amazon does.
2nd - About half of the our orders are gifts so we don’t include pricing on them (unlike Amazon’s packing slip).

Besides product info, it includes our name, address, shows Amazon order number and directs the customer back to Amazon.

We ask for nothing nor do we solicit for anything … no feedback, no review … nothing.