Probably. I remember one conversation with another seller in a similar situation; in general, he could list hard-cover, but not paperback; for me, the opposite is true.
The book category is quite different in regards to IP violations than any other category. With books, if they decide you can’t sell it, they just delete your listing; no harm to the account. Not like if you were selling a Spiderman T-Shirt or Iron Man Lunchbox.
Recently, I tried to list three books that needed approval and received the reply, “We’re not accepting applications at this time.” I set them aside and then tried to list them again a few days later. I received instant approval for two of them. The third book was just published in December 2023 so it’s not surprising that used copies are not accepted yet.
I believe that the vast majority of the faux restrictions (those where approval is instant – even if you have to wait some time to list) – are the product of bot(s) programmed to march to a different drummer. Very different.
Since Amazon so long allowed forced detail page creation with upload file, a publisher like Macmillan may appear in dozens of different variations including misspellings.
I do not believe that sort of restriction is publisher instigated. Not even sure those approvals would hold for other iterations of that exact same publisher misname – those restrictions may pretend to hinge on publisher name but may be triggered by something unrelated.
In the mysterious world of Amazon bots, very few know what’s what.
Having not re-visited the NSFE discussion I linked in the opening post of this thread since January, I missed Glenn’s* admission that “Seasonal Books” was a misnomer (I smell AI) before now:
Glenn, when he first came onboard shortly before the NSFE was deployed, made a post intimating that he was the same Glenn S who used to spot Lauren & Scotty back in the Age of Jive (and before), but had subsequently spent 5 years in another position.
On a related note, I’d like to nominate this reply to Glenn’s above-quoted post as the current front-runner in the “Best NSFE Post of 2024” Sweepstakes:
I deleted the earlier post I made referencing this reply because I mistakenly used the URL of the poster’s NSFE Profile, rather than the URL of the post itself.