Wordle 820 4/6
Wordle 820 4/6
on a roll… On my way to vegas.
Wordle 820 3/6
Wordle 821 4/6
Wordle 821 5/6
One of the categories on today’s Jeopardy! program was: Word(le). Meaning a word that ends in -le. .
I was thinking that I should make a word with the remaining 3 options I had.
Then I would sacrifice a 4 - Solve, for a guaranteed 5 solve.
BUT, having a “Vegas” high, I just FELT it in my bones I was going home with a bag of cash, so I shook those dice, plopped a juicy kiss on them along with a confident blow of my “on the house” drink (just delivered) breath… and…
Wordle 821 6/6
does anyone have a few $$ to fill my tank to get home?
Wordle 822 3/6
That second guess was lucky.
Wordle 822 3/6
Wordle 822 4/6
From a 6 to a 2 - redemption !
(and a heaping of luck)
Wordle 822 2/6
Does the “Current Streak” end if you do not play a day?
or only if you do not get in 6 guesses?
either way, I just do not see how you got to 119?
I am sure I will have a brain fart before 50
and crash and burn !!
Yes, not playing a day will break the streak (almost 200 days before my first actual loss). I have had this happen a few times while on vacation (cruise out of country, all day driving from UNCW to Indy and forgot to play, at Disney World, etc).
I also had a streak broken because I had shoddy service one day while I played and it didn’t register.
I’m not willing to sign up with the NYT so I assume that at some point I will lose my information by accident or because they change something, and at that point I will probably lose interest in continuing to play. I’m already hanging by a thread. I’d like to get at least a “lucky” one, but since I play the same starting word every day it won’t happen if that word occurred before I started playing or I happened to miss that day.
Y’ALL…when you know too many five-letter words with these four letters in the right place, sheesh
Wordle 823 6/6
Its late… nighty nite
Wordle 823 4/6
Wordle 823 5/6
Wordle 824 4/6
Wordle 824 4/6
Wordle 824 4/6
@Papy - I had the same 4 at the number 2. Had 3 of 4 possibles (1 was already null)
so this time I took the loss of the 3rd guess to find the letter I was missing.
Did you guess 1 of the 4 remaining?
Wordle 824 3/6
I had eliminated 3 possibilities for the 4th letter in guesses 1-3, so guess 4 was just a gamble between the other 2 possibilities that I was aware of.
…there are only 5 options with those 4 letters in those spots, right? UPDATE: NO, there are SEVEN. Just googled. 2 of those words are not common.