Sadly, I suspect that someone is going to suffer, needlessly, due to yet another case of Amabots Gone Wild

Google is scaling back their AI Overview replies to searches.
Life has a way of teaching we wee humans that whenever the original premise contains this or that flaw, workflows dependent upon that fractured foundation will inevitably, ineluctably, and invariably find a way to crumble the infrastructure.
The available evidence of several decades pasts strongly suggest that so-called ‘tech giants’ - aka ‘FAANG’ - which have so-warmly embraced AI have yet to learn that ever-present lesson; for my own part, I would posit that they are unlikely to ever do so.
Case in point:
Personally, I’m more worried about Rufus putting someone in the hospital - or even an early grave. Ran across this NSFE post today: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/seller-forums/discussions/t/831428e8-898d-4a0b-a9e4-33cec3b00154?postId=262edd65-ecca-4873-9530-30053ef3d0f9 I had a look @ that ASIN’s PDP for the US Marketplace: https: //www.amazon.com/Italian-Cookie-Traditional-Holiday-Cookies/dp/B07YGS4G53 The Product Description appears thusly (emphasis mine): The ‘About this item’ se…