Yay or Nay on AI?

I really enjoyed watching the series.

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One concern is the IP of the images used to train the AI -

AI-generated images breach copyright law, artists say - NPR

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How is that different than an inspired work or a parody? What people are afraid of is that the inspired work gains more traction than the original - this goes into the idea of memes and memetics - everything influences everything.

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I donā€™t know enough about copyrights to say where that line is, between copying and inspiring or parody.

I think the artists who filed suit are afraid they are being replaced by a system trained by their own works to do so. Definitely not parody, but inspirational? It will be interesting to see how the court finds.


Artists would say thatā€¦ they are losing their jobs.

If AI came for my job I would say the same lol. But I think @tried_tested is right, at least how I view it, it would fall under parody/inspired.

But again, not a lawyer or expert in how AI works.

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Hereā€™s another one.

This result is not good, his head is backwards but not his ears!

orange tabby cat watching playstation game

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Another AI related concern.

And yet another

In spite of where these articles are published, they appear to not be pushing any agenda other than related to their subject area.

Seems like pretty straight news reporting to me.

A bit more abour Replika. Scares the crap out of me. And I accept kids might have imaginary friends, but they grow out of it.

I know you know my political leaningsā€“which weā€™re not discussingā€“but even so I personally find Fox News online content to be as objective and reliable as most fellow MSMs.

All news must be consumed critically and ideally from multiple sources, and it should be clearly differentiated from opinion contentā€¦but all of that to say, no caveat needed here.


You sly fox you!


AI, is like any other tool. Much like Emulex & Detcord it will be great for certain specific applications, while for other applications, not so much. Example a key is probably a much more effective method of gaining entry to your car (Obviously, excluding Teslaā€™s).

Nonetheless, we can expect some bonehead to spectacularly fail trying to apply AI to something that it shouldnā€™t like babysitting or doctoring. The intelligent, prudent, and judicious use of AI will make our lives and world a much better place. But just like nuclear tipped ICBMs in the hands of Jim Jong-Un, it will result in global catastrophe when the wrong people, attempt to use it inappropriately.


I donā€™t get it.

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Now thats just in poor tasteā€¦

Way to be relevant GPT.

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Iā€™m German, so I can laugh at that joke.

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And that is the problem with todays kids. For those of you who arenā€™t aware, I have never been described as progressive or left leaning politically. But Bill Maher, is one funny dude! I watch his show often.

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Wait! Youā€™re not left leaning?!! Noooo Waaaaay!!!


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I tried using chatgpt for jokes and that was a complete bust!



See that? Thatā€™s my 10 foot pole. Thatā€™s not touching this topic at all. Not even close.


I thought it was Cartmanā€™s, but his is only 6


The NY Post has an interesting article on censorship by ChatGPT with more examples of its bias.

Might be enjoyable for those who wish to read political topics.