Yay or Nay on AI?

In related news, just ran across this over in the NSFE:

https: //sellercentral.amazon.com/seller-forums/discussions/t/c0b7b67a-fd43-4131-9730-749331ace9d2

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I sense this will be the new future of amazon


Sadly, I am constrained to agree with your assessment.

Automatech, AI, and other automated mechanism implementations can’t reasonably be said to shoulder the entire burden of the Amazon Global Catalog having descended from mere morass to outright abattoir in recent years, but they are steadily contributing their fair share of mayhem.

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OK, just ran into this example of AI in use on Amazon:


Scroll down to the reviews:

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Reminds us of the line … “Who in the hell are they?”

One would wonder, if the reviews were more on the negative side, if the A I bot would start off with the negative comments or continue to push the positive stuff first? Does the A I bot have the latitude to be able to make such a determination or has it been programmed to follow a script? ( okay it is an Amazon A I bot so we put our money on script first ).


Yes, I’ve noticed that on quite a few PDP’s over the last week.



Let the games begin:

Inaccurate and misleadng AI review summary - holy cow thanks Amazon (link, NSFE)


This cancer is metastasizing @ a rapid rate, and others have noticed:


Partial quote of post:

This WILL get out of hand.

It will get out of hand, and we’ll be lucky to live through it unscathed.

So I clicked the “Generate AI Description” button on eBay yesterday to see what it did.

It isn’t AI. It’s just google searching for the product description based upon the data you’ve entered for the title and all the features.

What it pasted was just the brand’s description. I mean it isn’t wrong, but THAT IS NOT AI.

This is pretty crazy… I know we have been talking about this on another thread but I can’t find it. I guess we now have to check our titles daily for BS. AI didn’t even get close with this one…


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46 bucks for a planner? That’s nuts, his buyers must have brain cancer. A 1080p webcam is actually cheaper

Seems to be a very common issue now days …

Amazon AI - Title Change not made by Us


With all due respect where it’s due:

:musical_score: :musical_keyboard: :trumpet: :guitar: :postal_horn: :drum: :musical_note: :notes:

In the Shuffling Madness

Runs the Amabotive Breath

Runs the All-time Winner

Headlong TO Its Death

It FEELS the Pistons Scraping

ShĂ­t Breaking On ITS Brow

Old Jeff, He Stole THE Handle

And The Train It Won’t Stop Rolling

Though It COULD Slow Down

No, It CAN’T Slow Down

No, It WON’T Slow Down

:notes: :musical_note:

Where’s the emoji for flautists when they need one?


And seemingly becoming more common by the day:

Why did amazon changed my product tittle without my permission? (link, NSFE)

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ASIN B0CM82FJL2 just for the record


It’s simply getting out of hand, as with this Product Review:

https: //www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/ROT71I3ZEOHF8

More AI-generated malarkey:

AI generated description is obviously giving customers a wrong idea of our product. What can/should we do? (link, NSFE)