This is more about branding/business basics than exactly advertising, but I found the quick blurb helpful and an important exercise, both as you start a business and to be revisited often enough to stay fresh. It’s basically a mini-mission statement plus subtle CTA (call to action) for networking, referrals, and marketing.
I am not affiliated with this social marketer or her business, but this is the link for her Facebook group: Redirecting....
I always respond, “We are a color imaging and marketing company that sells with eCommerce.” Everyone looks at us with a blank stare.
What I have found is when I tell them about a product we manufacture, they get it. While this market has dwindled, we used to do the parts for the machines used to crush pennies. By bringing up a machine that they have seen or used, they get it.
Absolutely. Though some of my neighbors became fascinated with eCommerce. They see us as the guy that wakes up every morning to orders pulling in the dough overnight. What they have no clue about is all the work, from then until shipping time.
Hello! I am Papy with Scamazon and I help dropshippers to utilize the synergistic output of social engineered algorithmic feedback with tiered team-building and.. and... wibble.
Typically, I get one of two responses. The first is “what do you sell and do you make good money at it?” (like I’m going to tell). The second is that their eyes glaze over and they quit talking to me. I love the second response as I don’t have to do any more explaining.