A note of caution about chargeback claims.

I have been hit with a slew of chargebacks in the past couple months. Almost averaging 1 every other day, mostly from a couple of buyers to placed multiple orders and then chargeback’d them all at once.

I used to be able to respond to all chargebacks in Seller Central, even ones where Amazon did not require it. A while ago, I’m not sure when, Amazon started allowing submissions only on chargebacks where they specifically requested it, and other chargebacks only showed the option to “view details”. Mostly the chargebacks that did not require a response were defended by Amazon and the claims were rejected. As a matter of policy, I try to respond to all chargeback claims, and the ones where Amazon doesn’t require, and therefore allow, a response in Seller Central I respond to the notification email.

However, at least as recently as this latest chargeback onslaught, Seller Central does not allow me to submit anything for any chargebacks, even after a month of the chargeback being open. I thought I responded to all of the emails but apparently I missed a couple, and this morning I woke up to notifications on all the chargebacks I missed that since I did not respond, Amazon has held me responsible for the claims.

If you are in the habit of responding to chargebacks in Seller Central and not email, I strongly urge you to reconsider and to respond to all chargebacks via email. This may just be a 4th quarter Amaglitch in Seller Central, or a shift in Amazon procedure, but either way, responding directly to the emails seems to be the most reliable way to deal with chagebacks to avoid auto-losing the claims.


THIS PART :grimacing: