Add Product Page "Improvement"

Anyone else getting new Add Product page? From Catalog > Add Products. Used to be a landing page that would take you to another listing page once you listed 1 item. Now it stays here and uses that god-awful right-hand slide out. Takes like 5 clicks to use now instead of 1. SOOOOO annoying.


I just have my fingers crossed that the URL I use will continue to work. I looked at the regular Add Product some few months back and found it horrible – and that was without what you show.


Yep, I’m getting that as well. More evidence for the claim I made a few years back that Amazon programmers are paid by the number of mouse-clicks and key-strokes they cause.
Adding inventory back to an out-of-stock item is similarly bad. And for both, there is NO benefit.

I estimate that I can now list about half the number of books in a day as I was able to list 6-7 years ago.


Yes, we’ve been getting that for a few weeks now. Just adds mouse clicks and time. I don’t understand what benefit it provides.

Here’s a question that may display ignorance on my part, but here goes: What is the purpose of “copying” a listing? Is that if you want to create a whole separate product page/listing? We sell used books and have never had a need to create a product page of our own, so I have no experience with doing so.


I have noticed deleting listings is much easier on the app.

The benefit is that Amazon AI is training sellers to click more things.

Eventually sellers will spend ALL their time just clicking aimlessly instead of sending annoying, bothersome messages to BR, Seller Support, Safe_T, and other HQ locations.

It will free hours upon hours of mainframe time for the Chinese sellers to be able to take over more listings thus increasing Amazon fees (potentially exponentially).


Generally-speaking, that’s indeed the reason for this functionality - it’s a device designed to save time when a seller wants to create a new Offer-Listing in the Amazon Global Catalog which shares a significant amount of details/attributes with an existing one.

There’s a steep learning curve - involving what checks and balances are needed to reconcile what Amazon data currently is considered to authoritative by its automated mechanisms could reflect as different from one’s own internally-kept data on this or that Offer-Listing, and the methodologies required to effect an optimal outcome of such a reconciliation before taking the plunge of creation a new one with mainly-similar details/attributes - that seemingly is not widely heeded in the 3P/eCom Seller Community.


Yes, we’ve been getting it for about a week. Another “wonderful” improvement by TPTB!!


I have noticed in this iteration, there’s usually one. maybe two, possible titles to list against, rather half-a-dozen or more. Still have to google those older titles without ISBN or those w/ SBN’s…

Remember about three summers back, when many of us received duplicate product violations?. We received reams of them!! Worked on them feverishly for 3 weeks-and though we were far from finished(and many weren’t duplicates at all), the violations just disappeared!

Perhaps, with limited choice, won’t occur again!!


I do remember the multiple OSFE threads about that occurrence, apparently produced by the Listing Quality Dashboard’s designed functionality running afoul of competing objectives deployed by others of Amazon’s well-siloed teams - previously, concurrently, and/or subsequently, as is par for the course.

There’s a lot to be said for that hoary old adage “A fish rots from the head down” (Piscis primum a capite foetet, as Erasmus said a half-millennium back in Adagia); I’d suggest that it’s just as applicable, nowadaze, as it was then.


You should normally be able to add a “0” in front of an SBN to convert it to ISBN. Usually works for me (of course, plenty of books aren’t listed correctly, but that’s another issue).