Old code, piled upon by bad code, and leavened with generative AI LLMs’ sheer incompetency - what could possibly go wrong?
May I make so bold as to inquire whether or not you see any indication that the Reference Price may have been influenced by an Amazon Warehouse Deals Offer-Listing for the ASIN in question?
It’s true that Amazon removed the “S-4 Parity with Your Sales Channels.” section from the ABSA back in Q1 of 2019 - likely, methinks, as a result of both the EU measure which you recall AND political pressures arising domestically on this side of the pond in the run-up to the 2020 election(s) - but as our friend Oneida affirms with his link to the currently-pertinent SHC policy page, Amazon substituted the Fair Pricing Policy in its place (and has been quite aggressive - as many might opine, to an overly-zealous degree in the never-ending effort to pad its coffers - in enforcing that substitution, come Hell or High Water).
This reality is one of the bones of contention in the ongoing FTC litigation.
For that price, it hardly matters what it is. I can use more weights for scuba season; the cats always want new toys; the new fencepost that neighbor and I agreed needs to be dug can use some extra mass in the concrete…I’ll find a use for it.
And if the concrete doesn’t adhere, I can always return it.
As do I. Funny part is the violations are in the .CA market where the products were removed. I use remote fulfillment by FBA to sell on the .CA market. Basically, US FBA ships to customers in Canada. When you do this, you can select for Amazon to adjust .CA pricing based on exchange rates, VAT/HST and increased shipping fees. More or less Amazon sets the selling price based on my US price so that I receive about the same return on a sale that I would get if it sold in USA.
So I had listings removed for pricing violations in .CA for a price that Amazon calculates. When I explained this (over and over and over) to seller support, they couldn’t comprehend it and just kept telling me I needed to adjust my pricing. Yeah, I don’t adjust the price, you do. As I’ve realized with my wife, some things are just not worth the battle and let it go.
Possibly just the normal rotation (there were other sellers at same price), or location, since I’m on the East coast.
Regardless, still absurd to be looking at a Pricing Violation message on my Seller Central for something that is live. Bad enough I get things like the book I shipped to FBA, had the BB at $35; now they say I must sell it for no more than $2.15. Insane.
A day later, from further south in California, one of the HPB stores has the buy box - even though the prices are equal and your FB is better.
Edit: your delivery window is better too.
But I thought the new pricing fairness/parity policy was merely to limit visibility/FO eligibility–not completely deactivate?
Plus, if Amazon Retail is the reference price, and Amazon then deactivates a Seller for exceeding that price, is that not unfair competition? (like, illegally unfair)
On the ones where I’ve gotten a notice, it’s been fully deactivated, at least according to my Manage Inventory. And on more than one of those, going to the ASIN shows the message of “Not Available; we don’t know when or if this will be in stock”
Plenty of books have no BB, likely due to price levels, but still active and available. Nothing new here.
Of course, this being Amazon, they’ll likely change things soon, at least for some people.