We received the email today also.
Got it too… Now I’m really effed…
Got the notification for the account I am closing that hasn’t had a sale in months. Can’t close it because of 5 freaking phantom units of inventory they can’t find and refuse to remove (multiple cases open).
Insurance policy expired at the end of the year.
Now, I have to spend thousands of dollars for nothing to prevent that account from getting suspended which would get my other account (that I really care about) suspended too for the related account policy…
Amazon always finds new ways to make me happy.
Does anyone know if Amazon will really suspend an account with no active listings and no inventory (real inventory) available to sell?
Oh this is interesting / nice… How in the world could they enforce this if you close your account or can you not close an account that has had a claims made policy for 3 years?
It just keeps getting better and better:
- Claims-made policies, you are required to secure and maintain tail insurance coverage for a minimum of 3 years after you stop selling on Amazon.
They can’t…unless you have a second account; that’s the issue.
I doubt it. That’s a bot way more complicated than their abilities
You can’t tag a related account when the related account is gone…
IDK what I am going to do about the next couple months, but certainly not spending $10K for tail insurance
You’re smart so I can say this to you, You can force those phantom units to dispose, but might need to escalate to Dev Team. Again, not to close the account because they can do that too, but to actually dispose those 5 units only. And then once the account status is clear, you can close (I’m guessing). Obviously it doesn’t change the tail insurance issue.
Obviously you know better, but couldn’t you get basic liability for $30 a month from a partner insurance company within the amazon portal? Just thinking out loud.
I have zero problem indemnifying Amazon. Not throwing away 10 grand for a lawsuit that will never happen on products that have already been consumed.
Not for supplements. It’s expensive.
We pay $15K a year for my other business
Let’s see what happens when I actually get the ability to close the account. If there’s no note there about tail insurance, then it’s over…
This fine print about tail insurance on the biz insurance page is new. I’ve never seen it before. Never got an email about it.
It’s just Amazon trying to cover their asses. It’s fluff. They can’t enforce it.
I’m still thinking about this…
How can account, that is closed, and was closed in good standing, violate a policy?
Pretty funny. Our insurance broker that I use for both businesses had a bright idea today…
Because I own part of both businesses, it was possible to add the account / business I am closing to the account I’m not at $0.00 cost.
But Alas… The policy # would be the same and drive the bots into crazy town so I can’t do that.
$2,500 down the drain… That’s the min cost for a policy for this category (claims based)
God, I love Amazon.
I mean, if you hurt someone with something you sold, even if you’re no longer SELLING, didn’t you still hurt them? It makes sense for Amazon to make sure that they’re covered for years afterwards in case someone dies a horrible death from mislabeled allergens. To boot, who knows when they open the box & take the item you sold them? When you close a company that sells ingestibles, are you required to sort of leave a “forwarding address”?
Just spitballing. As crazy as it is, it makes sense to me in the abstract. IANAL, so.
We are covered by our manufacture for disastrous scenarios like you described.
We are also covered because we don’t skip lot test so we know what we put on the market.
The last sale was in Aug of 24 for this business I am closing. We will be covered until April of 2026.
Everything we made would have expired before then.
With all that in mind, that’s enough.
yes often Amazon is in this territory