Amazon buy shipping, UPS ground or overnight services being the only ones available for standard shipping?

Every time I see a NSFE shipping issue post my mind immediately goes to…"I wish Roxy were here :right_anger_bubble:


Just a data point for all. We had a heck of a time today shipping. We ran normal operations. Just another “bank and government” holiday. That does not apply to us.

Amazon presented 95% UPS only, and 5% USPS options. Ok, makes sense, since UPS was doing a normal run today and picking up.

Two packages went out UPS, 12 packages went out USPS, one of those was Amazon shipping. We had to use ShipStation for all the others. We did set the ship date as Tuesday, I just wanted them out of the office.

On Friday Amazon was telling customers if they ordered they would not get the item till the following Saturday. Bull. We all know it will not take that long. This was a priority example.

Not that it made any difference, got to the post office, and all the bins were jammed. Oh except the outside receptacles. Since they were removed 6 months ago because someone tried to cut into them and remove the mail.

Mail still in our truck, will take it in the morning.

Just a data point for all. We had a heck of a time today shipping. We ran normal operations. Just another “bank and government” holiday. That does not apply to us.

I almost hate to mention this as a possibility, but I wonder… could the ‘we add a day to your shipping date’ problem be back??? You remember that, right? Where Amazon messed up the programming for future ship dates?

If it was after 5 pm, the system automatically added a day and quoted you shipping rates/delivery dates ‘as if’ you were shipping the following day. This was ok, and didn’t mess things up.

But then…

They were also adding a day incorrectly when you changed the ship date to a date in the future. So if you picked Tuesday as your ship date (as you might have today) the system quoted you incorrectly ‘as if’ you were shipping on Wednesday, causing many of the shipping options to be suppressed. You remember this big problem, right? :angry:

I wonder if that’s what happened to @SA_FL here.

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

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Yes I do. And you could be right. Always showed up on a Sunday, try it Monday morning and no problem.

Yes, and for many reasons we never ship “Next Day” as in pick one day in the future. I just don’t trust it, or how it could change our metrics. Plus on the customer side, I hate, just hate when a seller prints the label, and nothing moves for 2-7 days.

I was just trying to motivate the team on this semi-holiday. Even UPS showed up early. At least the showed up… sorry wrong thread. :innocent:

I got an order this morning & printed the label with Amazon shipping. My two choices for shipping date were yesterday and tomorrow. Yesterday is kinda done for, so I chose tomorrow but shipped today. The address is 40 miles from here, and the order might be delivered before it’s officially sent.

@Roxy :laughing: worse options

At least since you posted your May2017 “The missing shipping templates help file” tutorial, you’ve been a go-to resource for all things about BSS/MSS.

I would submit that our Seller Community owes you a broad & deep gratitude for your sterling efforts in this & many other regards, on this and other fora.


I really hate it when they do this. Been using ShipStation all day today because I can’t get anything but Priority Mail or more.

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The system thinks that Friday and Saturday are both postal holidays.

ETA: Ground advantage over 1 lb is f’d up too.

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It’s closed Saturday, but it’s open Monday, the deliver by date. Even though the post office is closed on holidays, it’s still moving between facilities.

The system is counting both Friday and Saturday as postal holidays where nothing will be delivered or moving through the system. The programmers are incompetent. What else would you expect?


Well, some of them are getting through, so not sure what the criteria is.

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It depends on how far they’re going. The ones going to the farthest zones won’t have the cheapest options.


Our explanation from the other post on this subject

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