Amazon Does Not Look At Their Own Inventory Ledger

A heads up - Amazon “loses” enough inventory to have prompted me to create a set of boilerplate of my own for demanding compensation. But I got a weird one - they stuck to their guns, and said “we have no record of receipt”.

But UPS had delivered all 4 cartons, they all weighed the same, and UPS had their “proof of delivery” for each. So, I submit that. No dice, “we have no record of receipt”.

But they claim that of 4 cartons or 48 items each, 49 were lost. So was this one whole case, and one other bottle, or was the “loss” spread among cartons?

So, run the inventory ledger for the last 90 days and search for the shipment number in that web page “report”. Lo and Behold, the report clearly shows each of the 4 cartons received, and the correct quantity in each counted at the INITIAL FC, but then a lack of receipt at the FCs to which the products were transferred, including a whole carton.

So, Amazon HAD received my stuff, and counted it all, and then transferred to another FC, and then lost track of one entire carton, and one single bottle in the transfer process. I’m certain it will show up eventually, but for now, to quote the movie “Goodfellows”, “Fsck you, pay me!”

So, the moral here is that Amazon’s own inventory ledger seems to be the easy way to show that they DID receive and scan correct quantities, when they try to claim that they have “counted and confirmed”, and try to blame you for sending a short-count shipment.

(“Fsck” is a Unix file system command, don’t complain to me)

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Did it work out? Did Amazon agree with your research and findings?

I commented about this on the last thread you made about them losing your stuff.

“Check your inventory ledgers, I often get hit with “inaccurate quantity” that just happens to be a full box that goes missing after arriving at a hub and being transferred to another FC. I see them pop up after getting my slap on the wrist from Amazon.”

I could be wrong but I feel like it might be some time based automation, where if a full shipment is not received at the all the other FCs by a deadline it is closed out with missing units. When they finally check in its added to inventory but the damage is already done. I am east coast and I see this happen a lot when they transfer to Ohio or California.


So you have never read any of my many posts about this on the OSFE or here apparently LOL. :smile:

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When I saw the Topic, on the new thread list, I thought you were the author.

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Sorry, no. But I am teachable…

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Please tell me how you can search by shipment number. The ledger makes me dizzy and I can’t see shipment number anywhere. There’s just a bunch of numbers for my ASINs (starting warehouse, in transit, etc.), but the ASINs can be from any shipment. How do we know which one is associated with which shipment?


My Way:

  1. Download the last 180 days (or whatever) of inventory ledger to *.csv format.
  2. Open with Excel
  3. Use search in Excel, searching for the shipment number (I just use last 4 digits, as they seem unique enough)
  4. Copy and paste all rows found to another tab, where you collect all the the proofs of receipt and subsequent loss of your inventory for use when presenting your “case” to Amazon Seller Support (“A.S.S.”)
  5. Eliminate the duplicated columns, but leave date, ASIN, count of items, and FC “name” so that each line is shorter, and easier for the poor rep to read in the messaging system.


  1. Use control-F in web browser to search, but it only searches the current WEBPAGE, so you need to limit the onscreen report to a specific date range.

The rest is the same, but copy/paste is often more finicky from web pages.


Eventually, yes - see the thread “Total VICTORY!”

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Okay, I did that, but I cannot find shipment numbers in the report. Am I downloading the correct report? I went to “Amazon Fulfillment Reports” and downloaded “Inventory Ledger.”

I use this menu path: Shipments → Manage Shipments → Inventory Ledger.

But the report set-up may be the issue:

For date range, pick “last 180” or “last 365” days, just to be sure.
For ASIN, make sure of the ASIN
AND be sure to click “detailed view” button, as it defaults to “summary”

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That’s where I went wrong. Thanks.

Thank you so much. I am now more able to dispute the discrepancies. I can see for all the cases they rejected, they were wrong. The FCs had always received the correct quantities. The mistakes came when they shipped elsewhere. They lost my inventory and then blamed me for it.

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Go get 'em!
