Amazon Excel Template - Product Description Question

Amazon changed our product listings category node at the beginning of December 2024. The day after Christmas, Amazon suppressed almost all of our listings as a result of their moving the category. We have some things that need changing to meet the new category requirement (verbiage additions mainly).

We downloaded a new category specific template which was generated with Amazon’s new beta template generator.

We discovered that the product description has five attribute fields (like the five bullet attribute fields).

Each field shows this …

The Data Definitions page shows this …

We thought … great … now we won’t have to work so hard with using the < /br > function to create paragraph breaks within the description. We then went to the Manage Inventory Edit page to see if this was added into the page as an option. Below the product description box, there is a “add more” link that opens up another product description text box. However … with this additional product description box, an error appears on the top of the tab Product Details. If we remove the additional Product Description box, the error will go away. So from that we know that the Manage Inventory Edit page is either coded in error or is in the process of being updated.

If this is a new function / attribute add, we would like to use it to improve the listing.

Before we attempt to use it on the excel template, we wanted to get everyone’s input as to whether this a new feature and it’s working … or … to avoid it for now and do it as we have always done with using < /br > style of input.

What thoughts/experience do you all have with this one?

Edit Add …
If we type into the additional product description box on the Manage Edit Page, the error goes away.


Just this morning I used this new feature … without any errors … thinking as you did that it would replace using any HTML.

Sadly none of my info has updated the PDP even though I’m the only one on the ASIN (it’s not my brand though).

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We tried one this morning also. No errors on submitting but nothing has update on the product page. There has been a lot of latency in the Amazon system the past month with all the changes in the seller central platform.

We saw some other attributes that seemed to have been renamed and moved around a bit on the Manage Inventory Edit pages.

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Both show the ability to have up to 5 product description boxes which is suppose to create the product description as 5 paragraphs. We tired it and everything after the first box (paragraph) does NOT appear. So for now do not use them.

It may be a future update that will work but, as it stands now, it doesn’t work.

When you go back into the Manage Inventory Edit page, it shows a banner stating that there was an error and that Amazon was aware and working on it … and try again. When we switched tabs, the error disappeared … the product detail page still remained without the additional paragraphs.

We are going to wait until there is an announcement or a confirmation that it is working.


So, back to the use of the non-compliant “< /br>” line break element which Amazon implemented back when its devs were convinced that XHTML was the end-all to be-all…

It wouldn’t surprise to learn that that decision alone is what’s stymieing the modern-day devs…

For now … but because these extra product description attributes appear in both the excel template and the Manage Inventory Edit page, we think it is new but not fully functional and would expect to see it in the future.

Amazon seems to be trying to use a new AI with the category node to produce the category specific excel templates. It is the second time in the past year that we have noticed changes on the Add Products via Upload page.

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