Is there a way to pull up the details for an order from 9/18/2021? I have the order #, but Amazon just gives me this error:
Amazon sent out a notice a few months back that order details would only be retained for 2 years now. Unless you archive your order details outside of Amazon, we don’t believe there is a way to retrieve them beyond 2 years.
And we just verified that we can not see an order from 2021 either on Amazon.
You have to run a report. I can’t remember which one, but I can check tomorrow when I’m, you know… awake.
I tried a transaction summary and it only gives me the zip+4, no name or full address (I know Amazon removes full address shortly after delivery). Good news is the zip+4 narrows down the address somewhat.
Have you tried the archived order reports?
Yes. I gives me a link to the custom order preview / customization details, but the link to the order page gives the same error.
There is a 2nd link in that file that goes to an error page and says (EDIT: this link is to download a zip file of the customization preview):
SignatureMismatch: Invalid Serial
So I still can’t get a name…but at least the customization preview is something.
Did you use Amazon Buy Shipping?
I don’t because I am a control freak. As a result I can dig back into my Stamps/Endicia labels a lot further than that.
In addition, some of us (not divulging names) just MIGHT have copies of every packing slip for every order on Amazon going back almost 15 years now.
Needless to say, that type of individual would have boxes upon boxes of generally worthless paper that would only come in handy when it’s needed for whatever purpose you currently face.
That won’t help you today but preppers prep for the future even if it’s only an Amazon apocalypse…
About a year ago we started taking a picture of every outgoing order, shipping label and packing slip. Unfortunately this order was before that time.
3 years ago I was tracking every order number, product info, shipping cost, ship by date, deliver by date, and sale proceeds - this was all to track how expensive and effective SFP prime. But I wasn’t tracking the complete address or name.
A NAS with excel and/or website and/or both comes in handy and eliminates those pesky boxes.
Use them quietly and wisely to avoid panic and frustration.
We don’t know what we know until we have to look up what we know.
I see that you are trying to find the buyer’s name and/or address for this old order.
The reports I have been able to find for archived orders do not show this information. I am not a reports guru and there may be a report that does, but I don’t know of one.
I’ve been wondering why my ears were burning…
The Alternative Possibility ...
… you were sitting on a lit candle too long ???
Every packing slip and shipping label, saved under order number …so I’ve heard from some people
Thankfully Whozzit hasn’t read this thread. I have to fight him to get rid of 20-year-old phone bills. He keeps every slip of paper since forever.
Since Day One, I have always used the option of printing a receipt along with the shipping label -, for record-keeping purposes. So when Amazon deletes a buyer’s name/address, who cares… (I don’t know if Amazon is aware of this “oversight” on their part, so I try not to bring it to their attention.)
I note on these papers a little pertinent info like book title, date (there is no date on these receipts), type of packaging used, etc., and it’s helped on more than one occasion when I’ve had to describe a package to a waiting buyer.
But I’ve never read on the forums where anyone else does this, so apparently it’s just me, with years and years of these receipts filed away.
One of the advantages of being a small seller.
There is no way I can do this with a couple dozen orders per day, much less a couple hundred.
Amazon recently said these are my customers, so no reason I can’t store my customer’s data so that I can target them on various ad platforms for repeat sales. Riiiiigghht?
My stomach actually turned when I read this, the ASBA is so strongly encoded. I’m still nervous just seeing it in print!
I keep forgetting to use the Sarcasm emoji.