The NSFE Handmade Group mods posted a “Top 5 Tips to Improve Titles (NSFE)”
Supposedly we should start ALL of our titles with Brand + Handmade which for me uses 20 of the 60 suggested characters.
My thoughts on this
How could this possibly be the “best practice”?
Let’s look at item #1 with relation to item #2:
- Adding Handmade as the second word uses 8 of the 60 characters (13%).
- I’m “lucky” to have a relatively “short” brand name that “only” uses 10 characters (16%)
- I’d be using 29% of the characters available (33% at 20 if spaces count) , to say the SAME THING, at the FRONT MOST IMPORTANT PART, for EVERY item I make. That leaves only 40 characters to cover the product and the rest.
- An example: JoeBcrafts Handmade Stove Top Cover is 36 characters. If I add the “special feature” of Personalized Carving the title is now up to 57.
- Following #2 one can’t even get all of #1 covered let alone even think about trying to do #3 and #5 too.
It doesn’t make any sense to me for Brand + Handmade to be included in the Title. There is too little real estate and seemingly more important things like the Product + Special Features + Hook (Unique) to include in that small space.
In my opinion Brand and Handmade should only be a part of the way Amazon displays the listing.
I need a “compelling” WHY it is so good to use the exact same first 20 characters (more or less for other Brands) for EVERY product that I create to sell on Amazon. Amazon has all the data on what is clicked and purchased, so why don’t you (Amazon) tell us what you’ve “learned”? I’m not changing my products titles just to “test” your “theory”.
What are your thoughts on this “best practice”?