Amazon Should Be Removing This Review, Right?

Two questions:

  1. Product is FBA, so any review about slow delivery Amazon would be compelled to remove, correct?
  2. This person says both orders took a month to receive. Any way of me confirming that?



That’s product review – correct ? (as opposed to feedback)

If it were feedback it would be eligible for strike-through.

Product reviews though are not taken down except for Amazon deciding to do so for reasons of their own.


yeah, product review.

The only reason I’m thinking this should not count – is it focuses on delivery, and not the product.

I left a negative product review for a pond pump for missing hardware, and it was not allowed because it could have been an FBA issue. Not sure how they were able to prevent mine in a “could have been” when this is clearly FBA.


You are correct, that never should have made it through the screening and I’ve had the same experience as you, multiple times trying to leave a negative review for one reason or the other on Amazon.

You can try and report the review through brand registry. The odds of it getting removed are essentially 0% so it’s up to you if you want to waster your time. We’ve wasted weeks on reviews that are so stupid, inappropriate and fake it would make your dog leash fall off. Even with SAS escalations, success rate is under 50% but it can happen. I know you no longer have SAS but you can still report it.


If Amazon’s bots approved it and Amazon’s bots don’t automatically remove it, the odds of getting it removed in some other way is about zero.


Unfortunately, I doubt a bot would agree the focus is on the delivery. And only slightly less optimistic that an amazon rep would interpret it that way (a common sense intelligent person, sure, but ya know…)

The mentioning of how the dog is rough on it, and it’s a replacement (even after 2 years) and the fact they put that first would make it sound like a performance issue - again to a bot - when that’s clearly not the case to us.


Now this is interesting.

I didn’t escalate or make a ticket. I went to the page under my other user account – like i did to get rid of all the copyright sellers – and used the “Report” tool and checked “Off Topic”.

Now the review no longer appears under “Customer Reviews” in seller central… but still exists on the page and is factored into ratings.

A delay maybe?



now i’m confused. Amazon has updated my entire Customer Reviews page to only show 4 reviews, going back to the first of march, leaving off all other written reviews.

Is there a reason for this?


Yes, you seem to have the worst luck in Amazon seller history.

How many reviews did they zap?

This doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Was this product part of a variation family? Something may have gone haywire when they zapped it if it’s part of a family of products.

Jumping ahead, and assuming it’s a variation family, when you look at the individual ASIN’s in the family, are the reviews there?


Sorry, I might not have described the issue properly.

We’ve had the reviews break apart in variation families before, and Amazon Seller Support is usually pretty responsive and quick at fixing that. But this isn’t the issue here.

I typically, to keep track of new written reviews, go to Brands > Customer Reviews section of Seller Central, where it used to show all new written reviews.

Now it shows 4 total, and they aren’t the newer or recent ones. Just random ones from this year…


AHHHH. I just figured it out. I don’t mark them as “done” but amazon must have done some automation, marking all the reviews as “done”, therefore removing them from the page unless I activate “Include Marked as Done”.

That negative review still remains. I cry :sob:


IDK, @Tried_Tested has a real claim to this prize, too :woman_facepalming:


Just in case someone comes to the party late. I’m an idiot, didn’t notice the filters and that Amazon decided all my reviews were “Done”, but they are still there.

Now I’m going to try submitting a claim to Brand about this shipping review. No chance, but at leats just a ticket.


Good point.

@Tried_Tested - Anything change with your situation? Today marks 5 months. Not that you didn’t know that but thinking about it / typing it made me mad.

Can’t imagine how you are dealing with this.


Will respond in original thread