Amazon suspende mi cuenta por facturas

Alguna recomendación por favor :pray: empecé reciente a vender en amazon y envié un producto de Estee Lauder el que le compré a un revendedor y cuando llegó a las bodegas desactivaron mi cuenta. Me piden invoice del proveedor de mi proveedor y este me solo me da recibo de compras y dice no tener invoice de proveedores. Que puedo hacer? Amazon friso todo mi inventario y el dinero

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Unfortunately it seems you may have been a victim of a “Amazon Guru” telling you that you could buy brand name items retail and send them into fba. Estee Lauder is a big brand name and they do defend their brand. This is going to be very difficult for you to recover from.

Have you written a PoA yet to appeal your suspension?


In addition, we suggest you review the follow in the Amazon Seller Help pages before you purchase additional items to sell on Amazon.

Guidelines to source products to sell on Amazon

Best practices in product authenticity and quality


Hello and welcome to SellersAskSellers @Sellerbyamazonfba. I’m glad you found our forum, but I’m sorry that your Amazon account is suspended.

Unfortunately, how you can proceed is limited by how Amazon is treating your suspension. In your case, you can not supply the invoices because you simply do not have them. You might be able to supply the receipt plus a strong plan of action (appeal) that indicates how you will seek suppliers for your Amazon products differently if Amazon will un-suspend you.

However, we need more information. Can you please copy>paste here the notice that Amazon sent with instructions?


podrias ayudarme a apelar por favor? no me deja cargar el email aqui y no me deja responderte desde mi correo electronico

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Could you help me appeal please? It won’t let me load the email here and it won’t let me reply to you from my email.


Type your appeal here.

We can not write one for you.

Do you know the structure of a PoA? You will need to research and know that.

Do you understand the policy amazon is saying you violated? How in the future will you not violate that policy again?

Keep in mind, Amazon is not a hands off passive income source. You need to know Amazon policy and actively learn policy changes.

What is your current business model?


Amazon is asking you for documentation. If you do not have that documentation and cannot get that documentation, then in my opinion there’s no path to reinstatement.

Your supplier also does not sound reputable and they may have sold you fake goods.