Amazon Third Party Software Experience

Hey Community, I’m selling on amzon since 4 years already, I initially started with selling on ebay but i have focused now only to sell on amazon. Since 1 year im also doing Amazon FBA and sales are growing month by month. I was now thinking of making the next big right step. So i was doing a bit of research which kind of software can help me out and to even improve my management, profit.
I was mainly looking for a third party tool which will help me out to manage my inventory as well as have a detailed overview of my income & expenses. Due to the fact that im also selling a lot of electronis from bigger brands im also intersted in testing out a repricer to keep the buybox 24/7 to make even more sells.

So to make it short after my research i have figured out 3 softwares which will probably fit my needs:
Sellerboard (Profitdashboard)
SellerLogic (Repricer)
SellerMagnet (Profitdashboard & Repricer)

Those are my favorite selection, I actually would prefer SellerMagnet because they have it combined but i could not find much reviews or feedback, so maybe you can help me out by sharing your personal experience. Im also open for other suggestion.
Thanks in advance <3


@Holger2453 - Welcome to the SAS forums!

I sure hope you have spent time on verifying your suppliers are “Approved” by those “bigger” brands and you have a “Letter of Authorization” made out to you from each brand. Just 1 complaint OR if Amazon deiceds to check your invoices and you will stand to lose a lot of $$. Seen it many many many many (did I say “many”) times before.

As to software, I have no recommendations.