Amazon working on Seller Central Home page Widgets?

After we shipped our orders this morning, we see this morning that Amazon Seller Central Home page Forum and News widgets are missing.

Maybe we will see something new as they migrate everyone to the “new” home page on Aug 25, 2023 … or maybe they are addressing the Forum widget issue that we all saw last week?

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Ours looks the same. :woman_shrugging:


Mine has updated and, sadly, business is still ridiculously slow.


Mine lost the link to the forums this morning. I had to find them another way.

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Glutton for punishment that I am, I have bookmarked the ‘simplified default’ URL for the NSFE @ https: //




Our Forum and Amazon News widget have come back.

You were missing the Communication widgets also (as your image shows).
Were you using the new seller home page prior to today or is what you see new to you today?

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If you are on the new Seller Central home page, you can find the NSFE link in the left menu.

Expand the 3 bars
Scroll to the bottom, click Learn to expand
The Forum link is there under the “Learn” section

If you click the flag just to the right of the Forum link, then it will appear in the favorite menu across the top for future easy access.


As Lost_My_Marbles said, add it to your Amazon seller central menu “bookmarks” for future use

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I’ve been on the new page forever (or it seems that way) and the communications stuff populated the next time I logged in to check on some stuff.

Business has improved – I now have one pending as well as those 7…

Depending on what I’m ‘working’ on I can have three or four Amazon windows open at the same time. That way I can come back to what I was thinking about doing after the squirrel distracted me… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: … that is the definition of my wife … when I see it happening to her, I yell out squirrel!

Presumably while wearing a pair of that ever-popular DogtamerBot Enterprises UnLTD offering, the “Kick Me, Honey - I’m Yours™” shin guards? :sweat_smile:

No sarcastic sartorial gentlemen’s wardrobe is complete without them…

Frankly I get annoyed when Amazon software engineers change user interface without any real improvements. They just move things around causing us to waste time finding the new locations of the old functions. I feel like these software engineers don’t have enough work to do. Finally I learn to use the text base at the bottom of the home page. That doesn’t seem to ever change.

There have been a few additions and subtractions over the last decade and more, and a beaucoup amount of URL re-jiggerings as well - but you are wise to notice the relative stability of that portion of the Seller Central Dashboard, come what may.

Until they decide “no one needs a site map”.

I have noticed they reorder/restructure it from time to time.

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