Amazon's Big Spring, Yawn?

There is always notice to sellers for Prime Day(s), but this “big spring sale” seems to have come out of nowhere.

And glancing through the offerings, feels, lackluster. It feels like they just gathered things that were already on sale and made a new landing page.


I don’t have time to browse through a lot of it but it appears to me that the Big Spring Deal is reserved for Big Amazon and their brands / 1P offerings.

How nice of them to exclude their “Valued Partners”.


We received an email on 2/15/2024 to enroll ASINs into Transparency before February 21st to be in time before the spring sales begin.

Then Amazon News made a post on 3/16/2024.
Amazon’s first-ever Big Spring Sale is coming March 20-25 [link]


NSFE has had several posts on wondering how to be a part of it … crickets …


The cogs in the wheel are popping out (Brazil, coupons, sales …) … so pretty soon it will just be a circle with a b*** hole in the center.


Actually I did see something there just now while I was perusing for Coupon info about how sellers could have submitted lightening deals and prime exclusive deals for consideration to be “involved”.


I snagged a half-off “big spring” deal on an under desk cord management rack, not an Amazon brand. So I bought two, of course.

I’ve seen a lot of work from home gear and storage deals (related to the item above, which I had in my “save for later” list) that ranged from actual deal to literally just pennies off.


I placed this Prime order on Monday, two days before this sale started. FBA from 3P sellers. No deals or anything. Originally expected to be delivered yesterday.

It hasn’t even shipped yet. :eyes:

Is this “Big Spring Sale” delay?


Why the heck would TPTB set this up supposed sale for the first weekend of March Madness?

We haven’t had many sales-we expect a slow time while half of the population is either participating, have tickets or glued to their TV’s beginning at 9:30 am ( U/A beat Dayton though it wasn’t pretty!. Arizona teams are used to playing around 10 pm ET, 7 pm here).

When the NCAA has crowned the champions a week from Monday, then there’s Easter. TAX TIME, for those of us who never receive a refund, will descend before the last serving of Ham/scalloped potatoes disappears.

So unless TPTB had plenty of PEEPS and high-sugar treats on sale ,kid’s dress clothes, seeds and garden tools or T-shirts from one’s favorite basketball team—what was the point?

Used to be PRIME DAYS only , then slid in another “Big” 2-or- 3 day sale before the holidays–and now this “Deal”. Is AMAZON in worse shape than they’ll admit?.




I think this was a test of a silly promotion on a historically slower week to see what happens.

Not participating but there is absolutely more traffic this week than last. ~14% to be exact from where we sit.

Amazon is just fine and they more than likely always will be.


Received just now. Unlike my delayed FBA shipment I mentioned yesterday, this one is EXACTLY my Big Spring Scam Sale order.

What the heck is happening with FBA?! :eyes: Prime Buyers aren’t even getting their orders out the doors, even outside of sales events. These delays can’t be blamed on carriers.


I think it is sexism. Classic merchandisers always have believed that when there is a major sports event to hold men’s attention, women will shop.

Old prejudices refuse to die, no matter how enlightened people claim to be.

I do not think Amazon is in bad shape. I do believe that Amazon will do anything to enhance earnings, show growth, and maintain the supersonic earnings multiple.

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I think this is a local/regional issue.

My last Prime order offered me an early morning option if I increased the order amount… I did not and it was delivered that afternoon. Next day delivery.

My two day orders are also arriving in one day.

Not saying I would count on it, but the human element is clearly performing better in some places than others.

I have a gift card balance sitting at Amazon and nothing I see that I want or need. I have a constant stream of Amazon gift cards which arrive as payment for opinionation.


More details here: Make it make sense (FBA delivery to Buyer) - #40 by papy

There’s only so much blood that can be squeezed out of this or that turnip.

My ½-Canadian nephew, who has owned and operated an extremely-successful welding fabrication business in southern Ontario for more than a ¼-century - in no small part due to sub-contracting job opportunities afforded by the construction of infrastructure to support robotic replacements for human workers in various of Amazon’s Canadian, NE US, & Midwest US RCs/DCs/FCs - has just relocated to the same environs where our Corporate HQ is located, in Florida - partially because that’s where he spent much of his childhood, but mainly because such a location affords a greater chance to gain access to Amazon-footed contracts for the ongoing attempt to replace workers with automatons.

I am pleased about his decision - but the same may not be said for Amazon’s.


Maybe the issue is your location. Canada Post had a reputation for having a rule “the truck does not leave until it is full”.

There is logistics software which anticipates trucks that are not going to be full enough at each stage of a shipment, and holds back prior steps in the transit chain so that they do not have any underfilled trucks.

Such software existed in the 1970s, so it is quite conceivable that Amazon has recently discovered this can be done.

I spent a few years working for a company which provided software for Fortune 500 manufacturing and distribution companies.

I saw what looked like this behavior one of my Amazon purchases a couple of weeks back.


The items haven’t even left their original Amazon warehouse for their next destination of several, much less my location.


Why have them leave if they are not going to get stuck somewhere on the way to you?

This is well within software capability and practice. One does not want merchandise stuck in a trailer or cluttering a dock. Sitting on the shelf in their original FC is preferable.

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I’m receiving other orders, including one yesterday (on time) and one this morning (delayed from last night in handing off to USPS from Amazon). These were ordered and both shipped after the two delayed-shipped orders were ordered.


Could be these orders did not have to go through the areas they are avoiding. The issue might not be last mile.