[AMZ] Now live: A new seller forums experience

as part of their script they’re told to be super cheery and excited and they genuinely are
I would always compliment them on their demeanor

You do? :thinking:

You’re a nicer person than me, then. I always ask if they can please stop wasting my time with meaningless pleasantries and get to the part where they actually help me.


I agree, niceness to the point of transmitting diabetes thru the phone is worthless if no actual ability to help is avaivable.

If you can help me, then stick a funnel in my mouth and grab a sugar bag.


If you can help me, then stick a funnel in my mouth and grab a sugar bag.

I’ll take the help, without any sugar. :laughing:


Have you ever seen my posts?

Just sayin.


I did that today! LOL


I was aware of the exact SOP’s involved in those calls just like when I used to waste time with seller support I would know which teams to escalate to but pleasantries would help expedite the calls - even if aggravated - relieving that aggravation on low tier call rep isn’t useful.

In theory I agree but they’re literally doing their job as they’re trained (or severely undertrained) to do.

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In theory I agree but they’re literally doing their job as they’re trained

Maybe so, but in the big picture, being nice can work against you. If the majority of callers are in the ‘in theory I agree’ camp, and don’t like the time-wasting chatter, but don’t say anything, the decision makers are going to conclude that people like it and keep instructing the employees to do it.

Of course, I may be in a small minority of folks who find this annoying, but the people who do, but don’t speak up, are contributing to the problem by basically giving it positive feedback.

I have this same gripe about our old forums. Mods post a dumb/useless reply to a seller, and the seller gushes all over them, thanking them for all their help. I see this and wonder why?? Either those folks are just naturally too ‘nice’ or they don’t realize how being nice is contributing to continuing to get worthless answers.

Of course, that’s all just my opinion.


Because when you are that worried, frustrated and desperate they see the mod replying to them as a sign that their troubles may be getting better and I am sure it must take a weight off their chest. The reality of the situation is postponed, however briefly.


Only if you don’t know what the mods really do (or don’t do).


(puts on psych hat) There is a concept in behaviorism called “shaping,” where successive approximations of (the desired) behavior are rewarded, but over time rewards become increasingly dependent on the approximations more and more closely resembling the target behavior.

Shaping works best when:

  1. the shapee gets concrete feedback about what specific behavior is being rewarded as an approximation,
  2. the reward is salient (desirable) to the shapee, and
  3. the unpleasant consequences of failing to approximate/progress are worth avoiding.

So my personal approach in Seller Support and mod behavioral shaping–and I suspect many others’, too, just not with words for it–has been to provide clear feedback about how exactly they were helpful (literally anything!) and offer verbal/written praise for it, in the hopes that they will repeat that specific behavior more regularly and then further add additional helpful behaviors, as verbal praise for the initial approximation tapers off.

The problems:

  1. Not all shapees understand feedback, and feedback isn’t always provided by shapers (especially unintentional shapers).
  2. Verbal/written praise is not a universally salient reward.
  3. Papy cheering on Xander for acknowledging the safety concerns on the NSFE is unlikely to be as meaningful to Xander as Katie threatening his livelihood if he doesn’t toe Amazon’s line. And fair enough.

So…all of that to just provide a psychosocial context for why some Sellers appear to focus more on what SS or CMs are doing right, than pointing out flaws and faults–at least at first, anyway.

It’s just a different way to try to solve the problem of low helpfulness. The carrot, versus the stick. :woman_shrugging:

And sadly, because we are mere Sellers and not Amazon, nothing works! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sweat_smile::woman_facepalming:


There is a concept in behaviorism called “shaping,”

I was thinking more along the lines of ‘positive reinforcement’ encouraging them to repeat the unwanted behavior. I’m a big believer in negative reinforcement, as you might imagine. :grin: Right up to the point where it got me kicked off the forums. :laughing:

Some people just refuse to learn (the Mods, not me :wink: )


That was a fascinating read, by the way. :+1:


Again I agree. Except with Seller Support my objective is highly utilitarian. With CM’s on a forum you can tell them to politely fuck off like Sawle did and express displeasure vehemently holding no punches.

On the one hand, the fallout and failure of the NSFE is a result of us expressedly saying what was wrong with it. But we did so with intelligence and we continued to tell CM’s not to insult ours as it was understood they were taking on feedback and relaying it to the “concerned team :joy:” - but we all saw how that went.

Now take a minimal paid support rep and wail on them and see how that goes.

It’s all opinion :slight_smile:


And some mods have 2 accounts….


I’m not asking for any “insider” secrets, but where/how, in very general terms, does one look for this information?

And I wonder what the response would be (before the deletion!) if this were gently alluded to somewhere in the NSFE?


There were reports of many people getting notifications from “Jessica” and being actually from “Wyatt”, or vice versa. Same thing happened with KJ and somebody else, can’t recall and don’t are for their names anymore. It wasn’t NC (Lord, they were the worst for a while, I mocked them hard too, and didn’t get banned for that), but something similar. JC, or CJ, or whatever


If you are logged in and click on a mid to view their profile, some of them have a banner that says something like “View Sellers other activity” and it takes you to a completely different profile with their name.

As stated other places, I have their long ■■■ user number thing saved with the alternates.


I honestly wonder if they know that? :flushed:


Not sure, but I was hoping to find a seller’s profile that had that. But alas, my snooping seems to over since they seemingly “fixed the glitch” of Tony, Rox and me.


But alas, my snooping seems to over since they seemingly “fixed the glitch” of Tony, Rox and me.

Sorry about that. :wink: But I had a presence there with my global name, which meant my store name was soon to follow (when they eventually got around to doing that part of it) and I didn’t want that.

But it was convenient to be able to see who was who without the long gibberish strings of text.

If you are logged in and click on a mid to view their profile, some of them have a banner that says something like “View Sellers other activity” and it takes you to a completely different profile with their name.

I never noticed this, nor had I heard about them contacting people with one name and that leading to another. Very interesting! If Jessica was Wyatt, maybe she decided to switch from one identity to the other and Amazon couldn’t handle programming it right? :laughing:

Because Wyatt hadn’t been posting in a while by the time Jessica came along, was he?

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I’m just saying that I never saw the two of them in the same room thread at the same time.
I’m not saying Clark Kent is Superman. But he’s never around when trouble hits Metropolis. Horrible timing for a reporter.