It’s “news” now?
Not onboarded to NSFE but can still proudly downvote the News
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And now they’ve started talking to each other.
Trying real hard to
A: Drum up some action.
B: Make it look like there is already some action.
Such a LONG list of posts that get very few views and 0 replies.
They are trying to boost post counts so Kate looks good
My thoughts exactly. Katie needs to meet her metrics.
Not enough lipstick for this hog.
There is nothing they can do to cover this mess up IMHO.
Katie needs to meet her metrics.
She can’t be coming anywhere even close.
This is a new low. Open a case to solve the problem of you not being the BB winner.
And the OP took her seriously?
Nuggets indeed!
@Tallytony you think it’s the same as the reddit genius?
If the goal was to reduce case loads, this isn’t the way.
I would love to see post count pre/post and case counts pre/post
I was thinking the same thing.
I saw it and couldn’t believe it.
But hey, my last interaction with a mod was with Taylor who suggested that a seller opened a case with SS because the listing that they had created didn’t have keywords…
@Tallytony you think it’s the same as the reddit genius?
It is entirely too easy to get distracted by Amazon’s shenanigans and waste half a day.
First, here’s the full content of their initial post about the BB (
I had a great december, My first month technically and my retail arbitrage store did really well. Fast forward to the next month and I am not eligible for buy box. I had 1 bad review and I have 1 good review, I have free and fast shipping as well as a professional seller account. My account health is at 200, what else can i do? I havent made a sale in a month now, I sell high volume products and i still can’t get buy box eligible on all my items. I called amazon like 5 times they keep telling me the same thing, give us 24-48 hours and we will help you resolve this, then send me some really bad explanation on buy box metrics and in my opinion I hit all of those metrics.
Someone should inform them that everyone has a great December, what with Christmas and all…
No comment from Rose about their ‘arbitrage’ business.
They also created another thread a couple months ago - does anyone by chance remember this, and what name they might have been using then?
Recently I received a 1 star review for a product I have never sold. This buyer wrote “Received the shirt but didn’t like it” and gave me 1 star. Obviously as a new seller I was kind of hurt but then I realized the buyer didn’t buy a shirt from me they bought a tooth brush… I contact support, which then they deny my request, then a week later I get a warning that my account will get deactivated thanks to that 1 star. I contact support and i spent an hour talking to 3 different representatives, who all told me that they can’t do anything and that I should press help on my seller home and contact somebody else. The last representative plainly told me she couldn’t help and I have to contact the buyer. I just find this unfair when I don’t sell shirts. I received a 1 star for no reason, and it has been hurting my sales. What else can I do to get more positive feedback?
*Doesn’t sound like the same person as the reddit poster to me.
15 upvotes on that news article. Now we know the forum has 14 moderators.
It’s funny (funny meaning sad). Most of us were annoyed that we were not 1000, this person is proud of their 200!
I wonder if Desi is still there.
Perfectly possible that more than 1 idiot thinks that they should open cases for the buybox. Even worse, they may fuel each other.
Seller a: “I opened a case for no BB”
Seller b: “So did I. As I know as little of anything as I do of selling on Amazon, given that we both did it, it must be the way to go”
Jessica and Wyatt are 1 person. So it’s 14 mods, but 15 votes
True but you forgot about Fusion.
Thanks for posting the news. I went over there and got my thumbs down in on the “new” thread to match the other 2. If their goal is to reframe the narrative… uh the similar results are working against them in this case.
Jessica and Wyatt are 1 person.
Are you sure? I found Jessica’s real identity, but couldn’t find Wyatt’s. They don’t really sound the same to me, but you had more personal (PM) contact with Wyatt than I did. Wasn’t he one of the ones who liked you?
Not to sound crass but this sounds like phone support from a call center in the Philippines - and I haven’t heard one Indian call center rep be able to replicate this - as part of their script they’re told to be super cheery and excited and they genuinely are and back when I used to own a few retail stores I would always compliment them on their demeanor - but good god it can be nauseating when it’s clearly a tactic to placate dissatisfaction.