[AMZ] Optimize B2B deliveries with business hour delivery rate

News (amazon.com)

Ugh! Now, we’re supposed to be responsible for whether their business is closed when stuff is delivered?

[mod edit]

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Yeah, how? If we see an expected Saturday delivery but they are closed, do we wait to ship Monday and get a late shipment ding?

I’ve been taking a screenshot of the business hours and pasting it into my saved ‘blank’ Zebra label, then printing it. I stick it on the package by the regular label and the carrier can decide if it matters to them. It’s the best I can do, and it may fall through the cracks when the holiday season hits full stride.


Oh good! I can pay more for a faster method to get it there before the weekend. On my dime.
Most ‘business’ customers I see are not buying from me for their business. I think the business buyer status sometimes gets abused to get the delayed invoiced billing. That is a program that we should have an option to participate in or not.


WOW :eyes:

Thanks for posting @Amazon_Seller! I added the text of the announcement, changed categories, added tags.


Seems like you can just ignore this… for now.

Honestly, if you get blocked from selling to Amazon business users they’re probably doing you a favor. As if waiting 90 days to pay you isn’t bad enough it seems like they want better service on top? F them

FWIW, Amazon FBA continually tries to deliver to my business location on weekends and it fails 100% of the time, they still schedule deliveries for weekends. Hilarious of them to think small time sellers can control a carrier.


To see how this looks for a Seller IRL, logged in SellersAskSellers members can head over to the :lock: SAS Confidential (members only) topic https://sellersasksellers.com/t/optimize-b2b-deliveries-with-business-hour-delivery-rate/2630?u=papy.

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