Anyone else go to OrangeTheory?

Just curious if there’s any other OTFers in the group, since OTFers really like to talk to each other about OTF. :grin:

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Well … I had to Google … and that’s a hard “no” for me. :rofl:

Assumng the below is correct.

Orangetheory Fitness is an American boutique fitness studio franchise based in Boca Raton, Florida. The first studio was established in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 2010 by founder, Ellen Latham

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Ditto :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:
And then we had to sit down and rest our fingers for a moment before moving on for the day …

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It is indeed. Studios are all over the world and we cult - I mean OTF - members tend to gravitate to each other. Thought I’d check & see if any were here. :wink:


I have passed by an OrangeTheory next to my local Target for years and have always been interested in a 1-hour workout with a trainer and group, but the cost is a little over my budget and I am nervous that I would not continue attending the pre-paid classes.

I believe creating the “new employee showing initiative” room with the punching bag a forum friend recommended would be more economical. (attempting to be funny)

I am interested in reading replies from people who attend the classes.

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I am almost 1400 classes in, so if you have any questions just ask!

I’ve done group fitness-type stuff since I was a teen. From Jazzercise to Les Mills to Kickboxing to Camp Gladiator. After 5 years, this is the thing I love the most.

I go 6-7 days/week, I think the norm is 2-3. The primary reason I love it is I just show up, do what the coach says, then leave. I can zone out and not have to think. The template for the day is the same worldwide - if you want to get an idea, there’s a daily intel post on the OrangeTheory subreddit. Typically 1/2 the class is cardio on the treadmills (walking, jogging or running) and 1/2 is floor work (dumbbells, TRX straps, mini bands, medicine balls & rowers).

The other thing I love is it’s truly for everyone. We have soccer players, marathon runners, larger folks getting in shape, and all ages - from teens to 80+ year olds.


Do you happen to know if they have classes for someone who would attend maybe 3 classes per month.

Most likely 3 out of the 4 Saturday mornings per month?


Yes. One of their plans allows for 8 classes per month - however you want to break it out. You can also buy discounted class packs - I do that for my daughter. You can use them however you want, whenever - and they don’t expire. It sounds like a class pack would be good to start and see.

Also: They push the zone thing - the “goal” is for your heartrate to be in the orange zone (84% of max hr) for 12 mins or more per class. But it’s NOT required and you don’t have to get one until you know you like it and will stick with it. They’ll lend you one for your trial class so you can see. But lots of people don’t use them at all - they just track on their watch.


I will inquire at my local OT on my next Target Run and Never Done.
I would be interested in the class pack.

Do you know if it would be inappropriate or rude for me to ask to observe a class in process that would be near my personal level that they would recommend for me? Similar to how martial art studios allow visitors to watch before inquiring about signing up.


They’ll probably want you to take one - each class only has around 24 people, so there’s not really any area/space to observe. Note that the template for classes is the same for every class that day - all day, every studio, worldwide. But the templates are designed for all levels of fitness. :slight_smile:

For instance, the weight floor has dumbells from 5 lbs to 70 lbs (or more, depending on studio). And the coaches always have recommendations if there’s a particular exercise you don’t want to, or can’t, do. For the treads, you can walk, jog or run.

What you could do is ask if there’s a particular time that is less busy - so you might end up in a class with only 6 people, for example. Then you could have more time 1-on-1 with the coach.


Side note: I’m more into BBT (Big Bang Theory) these days, even though it’s reruns.



I really enjoy The Big Bang Theory. I also watch the reruns and have watch all the Young Sheldon episodes also.

I still watch the reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond at least 3 nights too.

Probably why I am only free on Saturday mornings 3x a month for exercise.


Nope, but now I’m interested. Will give my google fingers a workout a la @Lost_My_Marbles


I went out with a girl who had just started an OTF a few years ago. That was weird.

Inquiring minds just GOTTA know:

Was that what she said, too? :face_with_monocle: :innocent:

Fair :joy:

We never had that conversation after a few hangs.