My daughter (our youngest) graduates next week - since there’s a bunch members now, I thought I’d check and see if anyone else is in the same boat!
YES! Our oldest graduates high school tomorrow, if the weather holds (and Monday if not). Tons of events all weekend and multiple out-of-town relatives (and their pets) heading our way right now.
Congratulations to you and your youngest kiddo @LR72!
Yay, so fun! I figured there’d have to be at least one other person! Congratulations Papy!
We had senior awards today, choir banquet tonight. Graduation on the 28th, party on June 1st (the day after her college orientation day). My introverted self is exhausted just typing all of that out!
No relatives coming - my parents have horses and can’t travel - but she’s invited like 60 friends to her party. It’s mainly drop in/out here.
I was so sad when our son graduated in 2017 - hot mess express! But this time around I’m OVER IT and so is she. Ready to move on to bigger and brighter things! <3
It’s not really that cray - they just blast to everyone they know and it’s a drop in-drop out situation. They’ll hit like 10 parties in one day.
Not HS, but we just drove across the country to watch my oldest walk in her college grad ceremony last weekend.
low-key realizing my maturity level on the SAS
Maybe not - We had our kids later, so I’m an “old” mom! Empty nest, here we come!
Guess there is hope for me yet
Oldest graduates HS tomorrow. Now on to the “affordable” in-state public univ. which starts at $40k/yr…
Nah, got a sophomore in College (Daughter) and a sophomore in High School (Son)
Congrats to your daughter @LR72
Congrats to your oldest @papy
Congrats to your daughter @Rino
May they all enjoy success in their endeavors in life
No HS Seniors here. But… I live in a city with a major university and last weekend was graduation. Each college within the university has its own commencement so it was a two-day affair. TONS of out-of-town visitors watching their family members and/or friends graduate. There is a gate or stone wall at the entrance to the university and everyone takes photos there. Lots of graduates and their families walking around.
Last Friday was also the last day of finals for undergraduates who haven’t finished yet. They, along with the graduating students’ families, were partying late into the night.
Our extended family had a college graduation last weekend, and this fine young man is headed off to medical school in June.
For the past four years, our grad has lived at home and commuted to university, well, except for those awful semesters that were totally online during the pandemic.
Since he has never lived away from home before, the family threw him a “shower” to provide for his very first apartment. I thought it was a splendid idea.
Got the same situation as you @ASV_Vites.
With the daughter’s year already over and the son’s just a few weeks to go, I’m less than 6 years from “freedom”.
I do love my kids, but sometimes I think about the fact that I could be “retired” already without the $$$ spent on them.
Well, this is my oldest…my younger two will still each be in middle and elementary school next year. Youngest will graduate in…2032, I think?
I don’t really care so much about the nest being empty, but I do look forward to not being on the school system schedule. I used to a stickler for the kids going every single day, all day, unless doctor-level sick. But now, after the pandemic, I’m much more, “meh, you’ve got all As, kick @$$ test scores, and zero discipline problems, so YES take a mental health day to stay home”.
Which, funnily enough, was my own mother’s philosophy when I was in middle and high school waaay back when “pandemic” meant the Spanish flu during WW1.
Congrats to everyone!
Today was a day for me …
Youngest grandson graduated kindergarten
It’s the 7 yr anniversary of my MIL’s passing
Went to my mom’s Dr. appt. My mom’s PET scan results came back negative!! She had Colon Cancer 12 yrs ago but her markers are high. No idea why, but she still in remission.
AND she still has a loved one willing to cater to her needs, come what may.
That’s a Pearl of Great Price, IMHO.
Mine all graduated. Congrats to all Seniors out there.
My lull in sales is probably due to parents attending graduation and or worrying how they are going to pay for the next 4
Same boat, except we couldn’t get our kid to stay in-state. She’s headed to OU - when they fall in love with a school, what can you do, right?
This mom would love that - but I couldn’t even get her to go to a school nearby. We’re in DFW so there’s a ton of them here! Fortunately she’ll only be about 2.5 hours away.
My husband calls it getting them “off the payroll!” It was a happy day when our son graduated & got his first job out of college and became fully independent. <3 Daughter sadly is looking at 6 years of college, sooo - same timeline as you!
THIS. I was so sad when our son left for college, but the 2nd time around I keep getting school emails thinking “I never have to pay attention to these again! Yay!” I also became much more of a fun mom the 2nd time and after the pandemic. My son shakes his head because he got the strict mom.
Wonderful news!!