[AP] Bill that could make TikTok unavailable in the US advances quickly in the House

I don’t have TT either personally but it seems it’s a necessary evil for success these days in ecommerce and in the future so had to jump aboard.

I’m too damn old for TikTok…


Nah, you are just scaling your business to ensure your kids have to be productive in society, by ensuring your business will not make it beyond your generation :slight_smile:
I refuse to make a TT product video using Cardi B regardless of how many sales I could make. A hot shower with a belt sander won’t clean off that level of indignity.

Imagine how many generations of lost creativity, innovation and science, have been wasted on trust fund babies.


Nobody wants to see a video of us dancing on either TT or uTube … it definitely wouldn’t help our products sell … we probably would be boycotted …

Alternate Perk

Although it might make the Chinese think twice about collecting data on us …


Personally, I don’t have a TT account, personal or professional, and I don’t allow my one social-media-eligible kid to have one either (they don’t want one, so win-win) exactly because of current ownership. I’ll vet the hell out of TT under new ownership, though, and still might prohibit it.

However, I can also admit its enormous social commerce power, and we are happy to help any Seller adding it as both a promotional and/or commercial space, should they so choose–and many SellersAskSellers members do indeed choose!

We even made a new category: TikTok Shop.


I am totally shocked and slightly disappointed that papy does not express her political views through interpretive twerk-dancing on Tiktok. I mean, isn’t this what the internet was created for? :rofl:

That being said, I am totally for a TT ban if it means my tween daughter will stop being obsessed with the skincare fad videos.


If you want to use it for marketing, the privacy concerns can be alleviated by doing things like using a burner email address/phone number/etc, which is good practice for almost everything on the internet. You use 1 set of information for important things like online banking, and another set of information for everything else where you don’t need to provide personally identifiable information.


It’s an interesting platform for sure. I only downloaded it because I have a friend who is obsessed with it and buys all kinds of weird ■■■■ on there and so I thought maybe I could get some $$$.

Algorithm is good though lol. TikTok learned real quick I’m not giving them any money to promote me and so I kind of just bounced.

I did take the time and set a 10 minute timer with my kids to show what exactly TikTok was and within 10 minutes it realized we really like watching embroidery videos. They could easily see why we needed to set a timer because you can get sucked in super quick.


Interpretative political twerking? YES
Post to socials? NO
Medical insurance? PRICELESS

200w (2)


The older I get the more painful these are to watch.

20 years ago I would have been “hahahaha”.
Today, I am like “good thing I still have that walker in the garage from the knee replacement surgery.”


I have watched Ryan McBeth speak here in California, and I have found his social media misinformation reporting to be highly accurate on topics like this.


The problem isn’t people spreading misinformation, it’s the fact that suckers believe anything they see/hear regardless of who it comes from.


Well, we can’t cure the “duh” epidemic but we can control what other foreign nations have access to here when it comes to the spread of misinformation.
If an American starts a riot with misinformation, we can do more than just email the CCP consulate with a mean worded letter.


The whole thing really fascinates me because it just seems so…well I can’t even find the word to describe it! Entertaining for sure I think?

All these people preparing to buy TikTok…who’s to say it will even go up for sale? And who’s to say it will even keep is value if it does? I sure a new app is right around the corner to take its place :joy:. No one is relinquishing control without a backup plan.

Banning the app…that’s just a slippery slope! I’m shocked that people think it’s “just this app” that needs to be banned….once you ban one app well now you have set a precedent :grimacing:.

It’s so interesting I think it’s just about controlling the content you see on the internet. People don’t really make blogs and websites anymore like they did 20 years ago. People don’t even know html anymore. Some big company has its hands in every pocket of the internet. Forums are not really a thing anymore and damn I miss IRC. Sure there is discord…but like I said above. If you can start with banning TikTok app what is next on the chopping block? Reddit? Discord? It’s interesting how the internet has “disappeared” everything is on an app now…and how quickly it all could disappear!


If TT wishes to continue to exist, ByteDance can sell it to a non-Chinese owner. This bill is not a TT ban unless ByteDance chooses to it to be.

I would support a total ban on social media. IMO it has reduced productivity in most countries and the world requires we see increases in productivity to meet all of the major areas of challenge - from feeding the people, to providing the energy it needs without destroying the environment.

Just look at how little impacts the layoffs at social media companies have had on their operations.


Nailed it!


I can see a situation where they choose to get banned as part of a political play. Unlikely, but again, curveballs happen in these situations.



Good. At last, a notable accomplishment! :tada:


I couldn’t post link because it had a banned phrase Biiden so anyone else wants to paste it with a different link is welcome. It’s a 1 year time frame. Sorry on mobile.


The measure gives Beijing-based parent company ByteDance nine months to sell the company, with a possible additional three months if a sale is in progress. If it doesn’t, TikTok will be banned.