Special shout-out to AZEthos, who took misrepresented product claims for vitamins/supplements personally and is certainly celebrating in the afterlife, that some false advertisers might face some actual accountability.
When dealing with recent FTC actions it is hard to avoid politics.
And impossiblenot to consider that the courts will continue to overrule the FTC, which has become common practice.
It isn’t worth considering whether the FTC is correct this time or not, if these companies deserve punishment or not, or are these penalties justified.
That is a pretty pitiful state of affairs.
I can say for sure that companies who cannot afford to pay good lawyers will have to consider whether they will face civil penalties.
Wondering what Amazon is going to do about this… Because the products are being sold on their site, they may be held responsible to the tune of $50K per violation. With hundreds of thousands of supplements alone breaking the law, those fines could bury Amazon 100 feet under.
I suspect there is going to be a major crackdown coming with major yanks or a warning to comply in some way by a certain date.
This should be fun. Luckily we are clean as a whistle but that won’t matter. Blunt force sledge hammer will be used.
Like I don’t have enough to worry about…
Skimmed the article earlier. Just read it through now.
That would be nice but we are falling victim to knockoffs like it’s going out of style anyway so whatever… Our best seller has been knocked off 26 times in under a year by cheap foreign duplicates. We still have Amazon’s Choice for now but our BSR is half of what it was or should I say double.
The sales have been split from 4 ways to 30 since last summer.
Very typical of the “Amazon Experience”. Knew it would happen but didn’t think anyone could touch our pricing but now we are getting beat bad.
We’ve got sellers selling 100% more servings for 35% less $. We couldn’t make the product that cheap with full vertical integration and the buying power of a $300M manufacturer so you tell me where this garbage is coming from…???
We suspect these morons are losing money trying to take us out. Nothing else makes sense because they sit atop with PPC @ ~$4 a click. Product is selling for $9.99 with $1 referral fee and $3.86 FBA fee.
So let’s do some math… $4 PPC (likely 20% conversion tops) + $3.86 + $1 = $8.86. That leaves $1.13 for product cost, inbound freight, profit (lol), various other expenses.
Makes sense right and consumers fall for this hook line and sinker. Sad. Who the hell knows what they are ingesting.
Which means they could not make any money selling blanks with no active ingredient. Therefore they are either trying to buy marketshare or selling worthless product (perhaps expired) or have a nefarious agenda.
In a world which fosters paranoia for anyone who stops to think, you can find many theories which could explain this behavior and scare the living crap out of you.
They have multiple brands under control. I proved with rock solid evidence that their products are being manufactured in Wuhan China of all places. Products are labeled as “Made in the USA”
Amazon didn’t care.
SAS manager really cared but he’s got about as much influence as your avg seller support agent.
Amazon sucks. Can’t wait to do something else with my life.