As we grow here at SAS, My eyes, and the eyes of the other mods here may miss things. New members spamming, off topic discussions that might need to be moved, discussions that don’t fit in SAS, Etc.
If you see something, FLAG Something! Why do I say this over PM’ing? Well, sometimes PM’s go to someone who is out of pocket for a time, where as flags go to ALL of us.
Unlike Amazon We take action on flags (Ignore the stupid scripted auto reply, that’s built into Discourse. Amazon was too lazy to change it and so am I!).
Thread need to be moved to a new category? Flag it as other and let us know!
Spammer, Oh yeah I know your gonna flag it!
We do not score users based on flagging, Amazon had some system that rated users and gave their flags weight or allowed them to be ignored, Ize don’t do that!
Now, I am not at all saying don’t PM me, My inbox is wide open! But if something needs urgent or even general attention, Use the Force, Er, I mean FLAG!