Bulk add SALE price and end dates?

I feel really dumb asking this but after searching everywhere I can’t find the answer

How can I bulk add sale prices and sale price end dates? I know how to do regular prices in bulk but can’t find anything about sale prices.

Thank you all in advance!

EDIT: DOH - I missed seeing them in the regular flat file - my bad haha


It’s rare that we get a question and the solution in the same OP! Thanks for editing to let future readers know the answer. :+1::grin:

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Just to add a tiny bit of value to the thread: contrary to the conventional understanding of the term, sale prices can be made higher, not just lower.

This enables a seller to implement simple price adjustments. You set the normal price at about market price, and set the sale price about 20% higher for a year or two. Thus you can catch any highs in the ebb and flow of pricing. And if nothing happens, eventually your sale price expires and the item is then repriced at back down at market price.
This is all done in a ‘fire-and-forget’ manner. You set both prices when you list the book, and you don’t have to babysit your repricing.


Awesome tip!

Do you know what the date format should be in the flat file? I don’t see anything under “Valid Values” for the sale dates

No problem! Luckily I remembered to do that from message boards I used back in the day haha.


Any idea on what the date format should be?

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anyone pleaseeee?

EDIT, Found a file:

offering_end_date Offer End Date Specify the date when this item can be discontinued on the site. This is the date from when customer cannot place an order on your product, irrespective of the stock in hand. But the product still be active, if other Selling Partners are selling this product. MM/DD/YYYY


Thank you so much! I wouldn’t find it in the example sheet Thank you!

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It wasn’t in my example tab either, I had to hunt it down under the data definitions tab!