Bulk Image Upload Error

Hello everyone!

We need to upload several pictures to our Amazon listings. We started using Amazon’s new tool: Bulk Image Upload in which you have to create a ZIP with all the images you want to upload. We had a few succesful uploads but since a couple of days ago we get the following Error every time we try to Submit the images?

We have reviewed several times that we are following the steps correctly.

Has anyones else faced this issue? Anyone has a suggestion on how to try to solve this issue?

Thank you all in advance!

First … welcome to SAS!

Try recreating the zip file and use a different file name.

Typically, we name by date, time and type …
(example: 2023_1031_T0821_GROUP1_IMAGES.zip)

Thank you for your reply!

I tried your suggestion but it didn’t work :person_facepalming:

I will keep investigating

Have you tried “Click to upload” but select all the images instead of a zip file?

Does it work if you upload 1 image?
Have you tried to drag & drop a bunch?

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Just to double check, the zip file is not larger than 1 GB and has less than 1K images, correct?

And welcome!


Haven’t tried this, sorry.

BUT in adding to @papy’s comments on the file itself … and the image files within the zip:

  • Image files (within the zip also) must be named with ASIN + variant code + file extension i.e. - “B012345678.MAIN.jpg” or “B012345678.PT01.jpg” or “B012345678.SWCH.jpg”

    • To name your image files, create the file name with three components, separated from each other by a period. Spaces, dashes, or additional characters will prevent your image from uploading to Amazon.
  • The zip file must not contain any special characters. “SE.zip” :heavy_check_mark:

(File Naming Help Page link for reference)

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Thanks everyone for the replies and suggestions.
Apparently the tool is not working properly in Europe recently, since I could not make it work and other sellers are facing the same issue. Related UK Amazon forum posts.

We will keep trying.