May I ask if the latest version of the Price & Quantity Template available on the “Download spreadsheet” ‘tab’ of the APvu (“Add Products via Upload”) Dashboard offers these options?
I know this template well and have used it plenty of times before. I can use this to lower the prices to our sale prices. But it won’t be the same. I want to utilize the ‘sale price’ so we get the the strikethrough and the customer knows the product is on sale.
You might start with a Category Listing Report. The link is instructions on how to get one if it doesn’t show up as in @Sundance 's reply on the linked post here on SAS.
That will give you a file to start with all of your items and should (might?) have the attribute fields to complete the setting up the sales with an excel file. If it doesn’t have the attribute fields for setting up a sale, then you will also need to download a category file ( Download Product Spreadsheet ) to copy you items (from the Category Listing Report) into and then complete the sale attributes.
Here are the Data Definitions for the attributes you will be looking for on the excel file …
Amazon has made several changes to the excel file uploads in the past year or two so finding the excel template with the right attributes isn’t as easy as it use to be.