Just saw an “envelope” in buyer messaging on my dashboard, but didn’t get an email. Just so you know, now Amazon apparently is discreetly informing you that a case is unresolved, and you need to respond to it.
Amazon has been doing this for about a month.
Not to me, just thought I would share
I probably get more buyer messages than you do, hence I’ve seen it earlier.
I treat “unresolved” cases the same way I do that annoying widget that complains about all my open returns. None of it is my fault and there is nothing I can do about it, so why are you bothering me?
I’ve been getting emails letting me know I have messages from buyers but nothing shows up on the seller central dashboard. But, if I click on the “0” for messages, they all show up there.
I do not reply to them as most of them are just saying “hello” with an attachment (with a bunch of chinese writing after it). I just report them and move on. I guess the Red Chinese are getting desperate if they are trying to get something out of me.
They are most likely sales pitches
Buyers not get an option to just say the message did not resolve their issue. There seems to be no notification to sellers that they said it did not resolve their issue.
I have been clicking No Response Needed to “unresolved” and they close out.