Canada A-to-z Guarantee to support commercial liability claims External

We’ve updated the A-to-z Guarantee to support the claims process in the unlikely event a defective product sold in our Canada store causes property damage or personal injury.

To sell in the store, you must obtain and maintain a valid commercial liability insurance policy once you exceed CAD $10,000 in sales in one month on or if we ask you to.

  • For claims under $1,000 that are proven to have been caused by a defective product, we’ll pay a concession directly to the customer. We’ll notify you when a claim has been processed and you can follow the claim status on Manage A-to-z Claims in Seller Central. As long as you have proof of valid insurance and adhere to our policies, we won’t request reimbursement from you or your insurance provider.
  • For claims over $1,000 we’ll work with your insurance provider to verify the claim and pay the concession to the customer.

If you receive a claim after you exceed $10,000 in sales in one month and don’t have an insurance, you’ll be responsible for the claim compensation value.

If you already have a valid commercial liability insurance policy that was purchased in the US and you sell in the store, be sure to verify that your policy covers claims made in Canada.

If you need a new commercial liability insurance policy, we’ve identified an insurance provider that can help you easily and affordably secure liability insurance. To contact the provider, go to Zensurance.

For more information, go to A-to-z Claims Process for Property Damage and Personal Injury.


We received the same email today and this caught my eye, so I forwarded the message to our insurance provider to double check and


Thank you for sharing @HobbesIsMyTiger !


I am reading the news article differently than my co-workers.

I am under the impression that we are technically selling in Canada via FBA Export. My co-workers then asked if we needed insurance in all 100+ countries that FBA Export may deliver.


FBA orders, even Canadian ones, are not subject to AtoZ claims, so that part of this announcement is not relevant.

The only issue that would be relevant is whether or not you need Canadian insurance to enroll in the FBA program, and the answer to that question should not change.

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